Cela Nazarena

Name and Surname: Nazarena Cela

Cycle: XXXV - Curriculum: Food Sciences and Engineering

Tutor: Prof.ssa Fernanda Galgano

Co-tutor: Prof. Giuseppe Perretti (Department of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Perugia) and Dott. Nicola Condelli (SAFE, University of Basilicata)

Title of the project

Optimization of brewing process for high quality gluten-free beer production

Aims of the project

The aim of this project is the development and optimization of brewing process for gluten-free beer production, taking into account technological and sensory aspects. Enzymatic treatments and alternative gluten-free cereals and pseudocereals will be used to achieve this goal. The choice of gluten-free grains, their brewing attitudes and the link with the territory will be considered. Special emphasis will be put on sensory aspect of final product, in order to satisfy consumer’s requirements, to expand and diversify the product range of the Lucanian brewery concerned in this project and of the agri-food sector.


Cela N., Condelli N., Caruso M.C., Perretti G., Di Cairano M., Tolve R., Galgano F. 2020. Gluten-Free Brewing: Issues and Perspectives. Fermentation, 6, 53.

Tolve R., Cela N., Condelli N., Di Cairano M., Caruso M.C., Galgano F. 2020. Microencapsulation as a Tool for the Formulation of Functional Foods : The Phytosterols ’ Case Study. Foods, 9(470), 1–20.

Di Cairano M., Condelli N., Caruso M.C., Marti A., Cela N., Galgano F. 2020. Functional properties and predicted glycemic index of gluten free cereal, pseudocereal and legume flours. Lwt - Journal of Food Science and Technology, 133, 109860.

E-mail: nazarena.cela@unibas.it