Sobhani Ameneh

Name and Surname: Ameneh Sobhani

Cycle: XXXV - Curriculum: Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Science

Tutor: Prof. Antonio Coppola

Co-tutor: Prof. Alessandro Comegna

Title of the project

Influence of soil hydrological spatial variability on carbon assimilation under salinity conditions

Aims of the project

The PhD thesis is focused on understanding the role of soil hydrological spatial variability on the variability of crop response. Actually, soil hydrological behaviour represents a key property for the water and solute flows and storages in soils, which in turn affects plant development and productivity.

The research field survey, which will be carried out in Metaponto (Basilicata region, Pantanelli farm), will be based on the use of fast methods for hydraulic characterization and electromagnetic sensors (EMI and TDR) for monitoring water content distributions. The data will be used as input for an agro-hydrological model simulating water flow and solute transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere system.
