Castellaneta Maria

Name and Surname: Maria Castellaneta

Cycle: XXXIV - Curriculum: Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Science

Tutor: Prof. Francesco Ripullone

Co-tutor: Dott. Angelo Rita

Title of the project

Assessment and monitoring of Mediterranean forests vulnerability from climate extremes through innovative methods of remote sensing

Aims of the project

This research will combine multi-temporal and multi-scale remote-sensed information and dendro-ecological data in order to assess the vulnerability of Mediterranean forest and its capacity of recovery after the occurrence of extreme climatic events. Specifically, the activities aim to characterize the spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics and investigate the impacts of climate change on different forest types through innovative spectral indices used as proxy of the phenological status. Finally, the study will allow mapping vulnerability of dieback forest stands and evaluate possible existence of a trade-off between “resistance” to climate anomalies and post-disturbance recovery.
