Santain Settimio Pino Italiano

Name and Surname: Santain Settimio Pino Italiano

Cycle: XXXVI - Curriculum: Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Science

Tutor: Prof. Francesco Ripullone

Co-tutors: Prof. M. Borghetti; Dr. A. Rita

Title of the project

Vulnerability of Mediterranean forests to climate change, innovative methodologies for remote and on-site monitoring of their state of health and resilience in response to natural and anthropogenic disturbances

Aims of the project

The research aims to analyze the vulnerability of Mediterranean forests to climate change and disturbance events, through the integration of remote data and field data. The survey involves the use of vegetation indices and eco-physiological data to identify and analyze vulnerable forest areas and understand the response, before, during and after the disturbance, in terms of resistance, recovery and resilience. The object of this study is to examine these complex dynamics in order to observe the consistency between the different proxy and improve their knowledge.
