
Alaska is the only state name that you can type on one row of a keyboard. Go ahead try it and then read on to find out more fun facts about Alaska. You have 30 minutes to solve the Alaska breakout!

Alaska is the largest state in the United States. It is twice the size of Texas! 22 of our smallest states could fit inside the border of Alaska.

Alaska became the 49th state on January 3, 1959.

The state has two nicknames: The Last Frontier and Land of the Midnight Sun.

The abbreviation for Alaska is AK.

Aurora borealis (northern lights) are produced by charged electrons and protons striking the earth’s upper atmosphere. Colors visible are usually pink, green, yellow, blue, and violet. What a beautiful, beckoning and bewitching sight to behold.

In 1867, Russia agreed to sell Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million. This amounted to about 2¢ an acre. This is a pretty perfect purchase for the USA.

The mighty magnificent moose was made the official Alaska land mammal on May 1, 1998. Moose like to swim and can run up to 35 mph.

Alaska grows very large vegetables because of its summer sun. Many days are 20 hours long .

A 138-pound cabbage, 65-pound cantaloupe, and 35-pound broccoli have weighed in at State Fairs.

The Tallest Mountain in the United States

Of the 20 highest mountains in the United States, a big whopping 17 are in the state of Alaska.

Denali, the highest peak in North America, is 20,320 feet tall.

Denali is the Indian name for this tall peak. It means "The Great One."

Dogs Dogs Dogs

Dog mushing is the official state sport.

The state dog is an Alaskan Malamute.

The Iditarod dog sled race is the state’s largest sporting event.

Back in the day, traveling by dog sled was the primary type of transportation in Alaska.

3 Largest Cities in Alaska

Anchorage | Juneau | Fairbanks

40% of the state's population lives in Anchorage.

America's coldest city is Fairbanks.

There are no roads connecting Juneau to the rest of Alaska.

Approximately how many people live in the 3 largest cities?

Alaska City Population

Anchorage - 294,356

Juneau - 32, 164

Fairbanks - 31,644