3D Design

My artwork shows how my strength as a learner comes through trial and error. For example, when carving out White Canyon I had some trouble using the tools to carve the foam, but in my last project Foam Wood, I went back to using the foam carving and the feeling of the carving was more enjoyable and to me my skill had improved somewhat. Another example of this is where I used the Cricut design studio for Paper Peaks and went through many challenges using it and other online design studios. On the other hand, the second to last project, Paper Wisteria I also use the Cricut design studio which went a lot smoother without any difficult challenges. These projects also show my weaknesses by showing how I can be a sort of perfectionist at times. For example, I was not happy with my Hand Sculpture artwork due to the small crack near the base of the wrist. And I wanted to restart the project due to this issue. My work shows I have improved by showing how I've gone to new materials, when closer to the beginning of the year I was afraid to use those materials, for example I was afraid to use wire since it is difficult to restart a wire sculpture. The project that most challenged me was, Road of Vines. This project was my most challenging one by far due to needing quite a bit of time and tediousness to be able to cut out the roads on the map. This was the most challenging for me because as a person I am not that patient and having to take the time and having to be very tedious and fragile. The project I am most proud of is t also the Road Vines, due to me being able to get through how difficult it was and still being able to have a good piece of art at the end. My artistic goals for the future are to use more materials and experiment with more materials, plus keep doing more 3D art versus 2D art.
