Designing Abstraction

Designing Abstraction

"1 x 2

Graphite, ink pen, colored pencil, and paint maker on paper.

Zoom Abstraction

"4 x 4"

Graphite and paint marker on Bristol board.

For this art piece, I first created many different smaller art pieces focusing or different aspects of art, then choose a few and created the main piece.

The materials I used were graphite, ink pen, colored pencil, and paint maker on paper.

I started by getting the creating the different smaller art tiles in the sheet with different gridded aspects of art. Then, I went back and looked at all the tiles with other people, and they choose which ones I would turn into a larger piece of art. after that, I did the simple sketch of the main art and added the boarder. following the sketch, I added the paint with the paint marker and tried to make it the cleanest as possible. Finally, I touched up the rest of the art as much as possible and cleaned it as good as possible.