Sustained Investigation #1

Wired Bloom

" 4.5 x 3" x 9.5"

Aluminum wire, copper wire, wire cutters, and pliers

This art was independent studies #1 in 3D design, the inquiry question was, how can I show natural plants through unnatural materials.

The materials I used were Aluminum wire, copper wire, wire cutters, and pliers

In this artwork, I wanted to create a flower out of wire and show how organic natural beauty can be shown through inorganic material. It took some time to find what exact flower I wanted to create, once I found a decent candidate I started to think of ways to have a stem and flower, and how to connect them. Once I had an aide on how to create the petals of the flower, I started to work on the flower. after I had a few petals, I connected them together using some thinner aluminum wire. After I had attached the petals to create the flower. I took lines of the thinker wire and braided them together, creating the stem. Once the stem had been created, I connected the flower and newly made stem using the thinner wire. Then I took another look at the flower and decided to add a bit more color, using some thin copper wire I created smaller petals to attach to the finished art. Finally, I added the last few small petals, and I was done.

<--- sketch number one

Sketch two plus mind map--->