Assemblage Sculpture

Shell Dragon

tape, paper, wire, hot glue, and shells

In this project, I started by trying to make an idea of what to make my sculpture look like, then I created it using different methods, and finally I covered the parts I wanted with shells to create texture and depth.

tape, paper, wire, hot glue, and shells

For this project I decided what to make the sculpture look like first, I wanted to create a dragon at first and wanted wings on it. then I did more research and decided to base it off a more eastern dragon, who typically did not have wings. Once I found what I wanted to create, I decided what I wanted to put on the sculpture to make it an assemblage sculpture. Then, I created the form of the dragon out of paper and tape, plus some wire to connect the legs. After that, I found a supply of shells I could use and started to glue them onto the form, creating depth and texture to the plain art piece. Finally, I added the wire to the tail to break up the shells and finished.