CIM330 - Week 9


What? So what? Now what?

As we still hadn't written our project in the format of a proper screenplay yet I decided to take the time to do that as it will help with voice acting later on.


The rest of week was spent on motion capture cleanup. After doing it for a bit I found a workflow that helped speed up the process:

After importing the motion capture data I would check for any issues where the keyframes would suddenly "jump" up and down the graph editor. I was able to fix this by changing the change the Rotation Intert to Quaternion then back to Euler.

Afterwards I would select the controls and use the 'Smooth Filter (Gaussian)' on all the keyframes then use the key reducer filter. This had to be done one axis at a time or the amount it would remove keyframes would be inconsistent.

Here's a timelapse of some of the clean up I did with the end result afterwards.