CIM330 - Week 13


What? So what? Now what?

The exhibition was coming up so I worked on some designs for a poster but I couldn't render due to my GPU having too little VRAM. I asked Harry to render for me and then Luka made some edits to bring the two images together.

Scene 1

Scene 2

Rendered by Harry and edited by Luka

For the final week we pulled a few all nighters to get the film done for the exhibition but unfortunately we ran into too many technical issues that held us back, things like objects becoming unbound in the level sequencer and having to rebind them, and weird texture glitch issues caused by texture streaming. We weren't able to get it done for the exhibition so we geared up for ensuring it was done by the submission due date. After a lot of tweaking and fixing technical issues, we finally finished our film. We believe there is still much to improve, and after a few weeks rest we plan to polish it more before releasing it to the public.