CIM330 - Week 5


What? So what? Now what?

After a few days of trying to solve our Perforce problems I eventually uninstalled Linux Mint and installed Windows 10 instead. I created a fresh Perforce server using the portable hard drive and moved the project files into it.

There were still problems with pulling the massive amount of files on there to our personal working folders. After a bunch of more troubleshooting I found there was a problem if TCP packets were bigger than 1398 bytes. If everyone changes their Windows TCP packet maximum size to 1426 (1398 + 28 for headers) it should reduce the connection errors we've been getting.

I found two scripts for Maya that adds a full control rig to the meta human skeleton and also can convert aniamtion data from another skeleton to the meta human one. This will greatly speed up the process of cleaning up our mocap.

I also figured out how to get the Unreal Engine Meta Human face rig to properly import into Maya. It turns out Maya 2023 was not supported and that is why it wouldn't work before. I downloaded Maya 2022 and it works fine now.