ANI314 - Week 2


What? So what? Now what?


My group has been thinking about using Unreal Engine for rendering our project but one of the big concerns is how to work on the same Unreal Project at the same time without causing file conflicts. Harry suggested using GitHub which is software that handles source control so I did some investigating into whether it would be feasable for us.

Unfotunately GitHub has a problem with large files being uploaded to a repository and needs to use something called "Git LFS" but GitHub has a 1GB limit on files uploaded with Git LFS. Unreal Engine is infamous for its large file sizes so this would quickly cause an issue when we start adding large 3D models to the project.

I found out that Azure DevOps has unlimited Git LFS uploads so it would be a much better alternative. When I tried to get Azure DevOps to work I was unable to send invites to Harry and Luka and couldn't find any solutions after some intense Googling and watching many tutorials for a few hours. In the end I decided Azure DevOps was not worth the trouble if I couldn't add the others to the repository.

After I was unable to get Azure DevOps to work I looked another alternative which is called SVN. Unfortunately this method also had issues because I was unable to get anyone from outside my network to connect to the server. The other srouce control software supported by Unreal Engine is called Perforce but requires cloud storage which costs money so that wasn't an option either.

After some digging around on forum posts from other people looking for solutions I decided what we could try is using Github and any file that is too big to push to the repository will be put into it's own folder in the Unreal Project and uploaded to Google Drive. While this means there is extra manual work to move files across at least the large majority of the project will be handled by Github so we can easily collaborate with UE5.