ANI181 - Week 7-8


What? So what? Now what?

This week for Project 2 I continued with the Unreal Engine Film and Television Learning path.

The tutorials I went through this week included:

  • Migrating assets from one project to another.

  • Making seamless floor tiles with duplication and snapping.

  • Adding Sky Atmosphere.

  • The difference between Sky Atmosphere and a normal Light Source.

  • Controlling Auto-Exposure

  • Controlling light bloom and light shafts.

  • The difference between dynamic lights and static lights.

  • An introduction to Blueprints, their nodes and how to fix code errors.

  • An overview of file structure and the project files themselves.

The section of this learning path I am on currently focuses on the Sequencer tool in Unreal Engine which is essentially a video timeline.

So far I've covered:

  • Creating a sequence.

  • Keying object animations manually and with autokey.

  • Adding character animations.

  • Blending between animations.

  • Nesting a sequence inside another sequence.

  • Adding cameras to a sequence.

  • Tracking subjects with a camera.

  • Adding effects and triggering them with the sequencer.

  • Triggering Blueprints with the sequencer.

The next part will be rendering it out to video which Rafi has said will be my homework for next week.

For Project 3 I have been working on the model of the map. I have created a table for it to sit on and I added some lights and a camera. I have decided to use Renderman for rendering out all the 3D parts as I am more familiar with it than Arnold and Renderman renders much, much faster, plus has a better, easier to use denoiser than Arnold.

Shot 01 Renderman Playblast