CIM211 - Week 9


Critical Analysis:

  1. Relate new knowledge to what you already know

  2. Examine theoretical concepts and ideas; comparing and contrasting issues and perspectives to challenge your own understandings

  3. Speculate and seek out implications

  4. Distinguish between what is evidence and what is an argument

Critical thinking:

  • Question assumptions

  • Recognise generalisations

  • Find possible biases

Questions to ask when critically analysing media text

  • What do I already know about this media text?

  • What do I already know about the subtext and releated ideas? What are the aesthetics?

  • What do I need to find out more about this media text?

  • What evidence do I gather to investigate to support my findings?

  • What are assumptions, statements, feelings that this media text convey?

  • Are there other ways to convery these ideas?

  • Is this media text reproducing/reinforcing certain discourses? Is it following conventions of particular aesthetics or art movements?


Class, within our society, operates similar to a business.

Businesses are composed of an employer and number of employees, and in society there is the ruling class and working class.


Means of production refers to the systems, social and political relations through which a society organises the production of goods, services and in the context of this unit, cultural/media products.

Marx defines 2 central terms to his theory:

  1. Base

  2. Superstructure

Those who own the capital (base) or has access to it, govern what is made in the superstructure. Cultural products get the chance to be made if they are funded, supported by the sectors/individuals/institutions who own the capital or has access to the means of production. As an example, those who own the tools for creating works govern what is made in the superstructure of culture.

Cultural Capital

Bourdieu's idea of Cultural Capital comes in 3 forms:


  • The form of knowledge that resides within us.


  • Material objects we use to indicate social class.


  • The way society measures cultural captial.

Planning Project 3

Due to my ANI213 project taking up all of my time I had to plan out my CIM211 project 3 and scope it to be do-able with limited time. I decided to create it around the theme of class divide and consumption. My idea is to retarget the Kenzo World music video advertisement for the middle to lower class instead of the higher class.

Instead of having the video take place in a fancy building for formal parties I plan to change the environment to a typical middle class high school. I can create this environmnet in Maya and texture it with Substance 3D Painter which I have been learning as my specialisation for ANI213.