
On the evening of September 19, 2008, we received this email:

"When I came home from work this evening, I found a surprise. Somebody

 dropped off a cage on our porch. Inside was a ferret. Apparently because 

we live on a farm they thought that we would want it. My fiance and I hav

e no idea how to care for it and we have a dog. I'm hoping you can help. 

We called Animal Control. They said they could pick it up. However, I asked

 what they would do with it. They said that it would probably be put down.

 I don't believe an animal should be put down because someone doesn't 

have room for it or doesn't want to deal with it. Is there any way that you 

would be able to take it? He is very thin and his cage looks like it hasn't 

been cleaned in months."

The ferret had been outside in the heat for God knows how many hours,

 until she came home from work .It`s food & water dishes were empty...

The couple was unable to bring the ferret until two days later, but we gave

 them a crash course over the phone as to how to care for it. They also had

 the presence of mind to check out ferret care on the internet. The fiance

 was calling him Mac, and we think that`s a very good name for this

 (Orange!) dark-eyed white boy. Mac is between 4 & 5 years old, and is 

very sweet. He has no idea what to do with a litterpan though :(

He`s been treated for earmites & fleas, and he has a bottomless supply of 

food & water now. No one will ever abandon him again.

Here`s a picture of our little cutie. He will get bigger &

stronger--we hope...

More later!

Love, Zoo


UPDATE: January  24, 2010

It has been well over a year now. Mac has been doing fabulously. At this

point, he has his winter coat, & his winter weight. He is doing wonderfully

with the others, and life has really changed for him.

Isn`t he beautiful??