Lewis & Clark, Enuwasha & Farrah2

On January 8th, 2009, we received this email:

Dear Zoos Ferret Sanctuary,

I am writing because I am having to face the heartbreaking decision to give

up my two precious fuzzies and I had heard that you might be able to help

with this.  Our ferrets are only two years old and they are an important

part of our family, but my husband has been down-sized and we are forced

to give up our house.  Our ferrets have run of our finished basement and

showing the house with them living down there has been a problem with

the realtor due to odor, but beyond that, it looks like we will be moving to

an apartment and finding a rental willing to take our ferrets, dog and two

cats is proving difficult.  We are running out of time.

Needless to say, my children are distressed by all the changes we are

facing and the loss of Lewis and Clark (our exploring ferrets) is only 

adding to the trauma, but we are determined to find a safe and loving

home for them.  Any referrals or advise would be greatly appreciated.  I

have heard that there are sanctuaries that will take ferrets permanently

for a fee...are you this type of a sanctuary and if not, do you know of any

with good reputations?

Any advise you can give us is greatly appreciated.

UPDATE, JANUARY 25th, 2010

Lewis & Clark went through quarantine here, and then went to live with

one of our foster dads, until he lost his home, a couple of months ago.

They now live here, along with our foster dad`s other kids, Enuwasha &

Farrah2. They were returned to us on November 25, 2009. 

Farrah2 is adrenal, & on lupron. She is a bit of a bully. Starts a lot of fights


Clark seems a bit fragile. All in all, they`re a good little group.






UPDATE JULY 16, 2012

Enuwasha and Farrah2 are both nearly all white now. Enuwasha`s nose has turned darker. Farrah2 still has an incredible lupron coat, nice & plush, but mostly white. (It seems so strange, looking at these old pictures where they had so much tan in their coats!) Clark`s mask changes every season :)

 Lewis, who seemed the healthiest, died this year.  You never know who`s next :( 

Clark is about 5 1/2 years old now, and Farrah2 & Enuwasha are somewhere between 7 & 7 1/2. 

From top to bottom: Clark, Farrah2, and Enuwasha, in the spring of 2012.