

Addie came to join the family at Zoo`s on February 25th, 2007.. Addie was

by far the worst biter we have ever seen! In five minutes time she had

already bitten clear through Kurt`s hand twice! She was on the attack! 

She was not fond of hands--and was terrified of the broom when we swept

the room.We could only sweep when Addie was sleeping.

I must admit I was truly afraid of her, when she came. It was an act of

bravery to even reach into her cage, to clean it--or to fill her food & water

dishes--or to let her out to play,every day!!

It has taken months, but Addie has come around pretty well. We have had

to devote MAJOR work and time to Addie--but she understands now that

she is safe here. We still don`t allow (most) company or (most of) the

volunteers to hold her.

Funny though how ferties seem to "know" if you`re really a ferret person. 

When Renee Downs visited us on her way to the 2007 ferret symposium, 

she HELD Addie---and Addie let her! (I was half afraid Renee would be

standing at the podium giving her speech with only half a NOSE or

something! LOL.)

Here is our beautiful Addie.


More later!

Love, Zoo


UPDATE: February 19, 2010

It has been three years.

Addie went adrenal, a few months ago, & is on lupron now. She has 

regrown her beautiful silver fur (lighter now!) and continues to thrive. 

She lives with Monet, Angel, & Georgia.

We are very, very close. I just love burying my face into her fur, & giving

her sweet kisses. She knows she is safe here, and the love & trust between

us is amazing.

Addie hasn`t bitten for quite some time now...

Love Bears All Things, Believes All Things, Hopes All Things, Endures All Things...Love Never Fails..


More later!

                      Love, Zoo