Beautiful and Wozelle

On New Years Day, 2012, these two were thrown from a car by a drunk driver. The people in the car behind him, saw first one ferret, then the other, being thrown from the car, which was weaving all over the road. They didn`t get the license number, because they stopped to rescue the animals.

The little girl ferret walked right up to them, but the little boy dragged himself underneath something. He was badly injured. They took both ferrets home.

The following day, they took the ferrets to a friend who knew us. The male ferret was in dire need of help.He couldn`t walk. Both were brought to us, and we took the little boy to the vet right away. He was in horrible pain. He had landed very badly, and his pelvis was broken. The Xray looked awful. We didn`t know if he would make it. He required a high level of care. I wondered if he`d ever walk again--if he lived...

Every time I opened the cage to give him a feeding or a pain shot, I`d say "Hi, Beautiful!" and he`d lay his head in my hand. His sister was in the cage next to him, so that they could see each other, but we didn`t want her to injure him somehow.Both of these babies were somewhere between 1- 1 1/2 years old, and they had already seen how cruel a human can be.I was so angry that someone had robbed Beautiful of the chance to ever dance again. Both were as sweet as the day is long. I promised them both that no one would ever hurt them again. The name "Beautiful" kinda stuck--so I named him Beautiful--and I named the little girl Wozelle.

Anyone who doesn`t believe there`s a God should see the second Xray taken of Beautiful. There were the two jagged halves of bone, about 1/2" apart from one another---and a new bridge of bone had formed between them, joining the pelvis back together.  In just 4 weeks, there was new bone! We had to still protect him, until it strengthened, but  he was definitely on the mend! He got to be with his sister Wozelle again <3 (Wozelle had only suffered a broken toe)

A few months later, he was walking with only a slight limp. A visitor came to the sanctuary, and as I was telling her their story, Beautiful shocked everyone in the room. He broke into a clumsy run--and began to dance!!

It`s been over a year now, and Beautiful is feisty!! Wozelle is one of the sweetest, cutest ferrets ever, and gets along with absolutely everyone.


February 19, 2016

Beautiful & Wozelle have been here for four years already!! I can`t believe how the time flies! These kids are somewhere between 5 & 6 years old, we think.

Beautiful is adrenal now, and on lupron. He is sprouting some new fur! He is very sweet.

Wozelle has a little arthritis in the toe she broke when she was thrown out of the car. It is quite crooked, but it doesn`t keep her down. She is also adrenal and has developed insulinoma. So far, meds are working. 

Both get along well with everyone.

My hubby is helping me to update this site, and we will have to re-learn how to post pictures LOL. It has been a long time since we updated anything but the Rainbow Bridge page--but we`re working on it.  I have been much too busy with our little ones to do it :(

Pictures coming soon :)