Jennifer's Group

(Princess, Daisy May, Comet, & Buddy)

On April 6th, 2008, Jennifer brought Princess, Daisy May, Comet &

 Buddy to Zoo`s Ferret Sanctuary. Her daughter had developed an


Jennifer wanted to be sure the ferrets would stay here, and not be

 adopted out, or split up. She agreed to volunteer monthly, to

 help us & also to visit her kids.She wanted to stay in their lives.

Buddy is adrenal. He got a lupron shot the night they came. The

 others are healthy, varying in age from 2-4.

Love, Zoo


Daisy May



UPDATE: December 28, 2009

A month after Jennifer brought her ferrets to us, she got a

terrible cold on the first day she was to volunteer. She sounded 

awful! We suggested that she rest up, & call us when she felt 


All I can say, is it must have been a heck of a cold LOL. A year &

eight months have passed--and we have never heard another

word from Jennifer. She didn`t even send her former furkids a

package of treats at Christmas. (Either year!)

We are updating the site, and will get current picts of these four

up as soon as possible.