
Gwen came to us on May 13th, 2009 because she was sick. She required 

more care than her 18 year old mommy could give. 

Gwen is on meds for life for insulinoma, and just got another 4 mo. 

lupron depot for her adrenal gland disease. She has hyperflexia in her

hind legs, and often has difficulty making it to her litter box. Still, she

enjoys scooting around at playtime, and watching all of the activity in

the room.

She`s very joyful, and each day with her is a gift.

We think she`s around seven years old.

Gwen on February 3, 2010

More later.

                        Love, Zoo

UPDATE: April 18, 2010

It has been six months since we have seen Gwen`s former mommy.

Although she lives 25 minutes away, she has found it impossible to come

visit the babies she left with us. She is working two jobs & going to school.

Gwen is becoming more fragile, but still enjoys scooting around on the rug


at playtime with the others, and watching everyone. She still enjoys her 

soup --and although she doesn`t have long, she still wants to

live. She is such a  love...


                                     Gwen on April 18, 2010

More later.

                        Love, Zoo

UPDATE, June 10, 2010

We have lost our sweet Gwen. She died comfortably & peacefully, here at

home, surrounded by love. 

UPDATE: July 20, 2010

Gwen`s former mommy and  fiance came today & helped in the ferret room.

It was so good to see them again, and God knows we need the help here. 

We had a wonderful visit. It was too late for them to see Gwen, but they

helped so many others--and for that we are grateful.

They have promised to return--and we sure hope they will :)