Hampshire Buddy

Buddy was brought to us on August 26th, 2008 by a man who lived in

Hampshire, Illinois. 

The man`s health was rapidly declining, and he could no longer care for

Buddy. He asked if Buddy would be staying with us, so that he could come, 

from time to time, for a visit. We said he was always welcome here :)

Buddy was about two years old when he came to us.

Because Zoo`s has had three Buddies, we refer to this sweet Buddy as

                            "Hampshire Buddy"

Our deepest gratitude to Andrea Rose, who sponsored Hampshire Buddy, 

(as well as Buddy in Jennifer`s group)  at Christmas 2009.We have posted

some pictures, under "Sanctuary News" of the furchildren with their


Andrea, you were very generous. The ferrets all thank you so much for the

Santa gifts!


                              Love, Zoo

NOVEMBER 5, 2013

We never ever heard back from Buddy`s former owner.

Hampshire Buddy is now about seven years old! He is an active member of the Funlovers group (the largest & friendliest group in the main ferret room.) He has lost some weight, but his health is good, and he is a joy.

More later :)