
On January 11, 2009, we received an email from a woman whose son

wanted to adopt a ferret.


We explained that we didn`t adopt out to the general public, but invited

her & her son to come visit, & learn all about ferrets for free, before

getting one. I told her it might help them decide if this was truly the pet for

them--and if they were ready for the commitment. That what they learned

here might even help save a little life, one day!


We didn`t hear from the woman again until six months later, 

July of 2009----when she emailed us, asking if we could take in their



Franklin came to us on July 2, 2009.  The reason given for surrender was

simply "Dog in house."  Franklin was just over a year old.

This deaf boy is high-energy, & loves to play. Sometimes he`s a bit rough,

but  after a couple hours of play, he`ll allow some cuddling.

More later.

                       Love, Zoo