elementos (10)

The Elements (os elementos) de Tom Lehrer (animação de Timwi)

Versão animada por Timwi utilizando o seguinte software: Visual C# Express, AviSynth e VirtualDub.

Letra da canção The Elements de Tom Lehrer

There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,

And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium,

And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium,

And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium,

Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium,

And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium,

And gold and protactinium and indium and gallium,


And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium.

There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium,

And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium,

And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium,

And bismuth, bromine, lithium, beryllium, and barium.

There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium,

And phosphorus and francium and fluorine and terbium,

And manganese and mercury, molybdenum, magnesium,

Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium.

And lead, praseodymium, and platinum, plutonium,

Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium,

And tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium,


And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.

There's sulfur, californium, and fermium, berkelium,

And also mendelevium, einsteinium, nobelium,

And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc, and rhodium,

And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin, and sodium.

These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard,

And there may be many others, but they haven't been discovered.

Tom Lehrer

The Elements Song (a canção dos elementos) de Tom Lehrer (Theodore Gray)

元素 - The Elements song in Japanese (a canção dos elementos em japonês)

A nova canção da Tabela Periódica - por ordem do número atómico) - 02:53

DOWNLOAD no ITUNES; DOWNLOAD no BANDCAMP (versão instrumental)

The New Periodic Table Song (Cover)

A nova canção da Tabela Periódica - versão - 02:45

Christmas Lectures 2012 - The Elements Song by the cast of Loserville

Lições de Natal 2012 - a canção dos elementos pelo elenco de Loserville - 02:08

Element Symbol Song (canção dos símbolos dos elementos) de David Newman

Periodic Table Rap por Oort Kuiper (aka John Chase)

Com Periodic Table of Videos (a música começa aos 00:57)

Chemistry Dubstep

Dubstep de química - 02:39

The Boron Song, Helen Arney

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