In Ground Sensors

Council Parking Fines based on in-ground sensors have been given a bit of a shafting. The Melbourne Herald Sun reports on July 18th 2012 that Melbourne City Council has withdrawn more than 10,000 parking fines in the past year, as the crisis over its botched new in ground parking sensors escalates. Australian Services Union representative Lita Gillies urged drivers to challenge fines in court because the accuracy of underground sensors installed in 4600 of the city's parking bays was suspect.

And then on March 5th 2012 the Herald Sun reports the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria as saying that the Melbourne City Council should urgently review its wireless technology after revelations the system may have wrongly issued parking fines. According to the article council sources claim legal advice provided to Council confirms that any prosecution based on the in-ground sensor fines would "not stand up to the rigours of the Evidence Act".