ACT Legislation

The Australian Capital Territory on 6th August 2015 passed legislation through its lower house preventing private car park companies from obtaining the names and addresses of drivers or vehicle owners. Called the "Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill", the bill was proposed in response to information that a private car park company (believed to be Wilson Parking) was about to obtain a large number of names and addresses through the courts.

The Minister for Justice, Shane Rattenbury said that “It is not appropriate for commercial operators to set up a business that relies on Government disclosure of citizens’ private details, particularly when there are other business models available. Car parking operators can use boom gates, or Government inspectors can conduct enforcement in the car parks for them".

ABC News has reported that "Wilson Parking has taken the Government to court seeking access to the names and addresses of registered cars that parked in a number of their carparks across the ACT".

ACT government website

ABC news