Australian National Car Parks discussed in NSW Parliament
Australian National Car Parks was discussed in NSW parliament on 14th March 2013. The member for Bankstown, Ms Tania Mihailuk, moved a motion that:
a) Australian National Car Parks have issued more then 60,000 fines to motorists throughout Australia;
b) the Victorian Supreme Court has declared that fines issued by Australian National Car Parks in Victoria are unlawful; and
c) calls on the Government to consider action against the practices of Australian National Car Parks in issuing fines.
Ms Mihailuk said that "last year the Minister for Fair Trading advised that if a private car park operator in New South Wales issues a payment notice that does not comply with Australian consumer law NSW Fair Trading will take appropriate compliance action in accordance with the law". She also said "car park inspectors who have issued fines while people walk to purchase a ticket; that is, they have got out of their car intent on buying a ticket, but have been fined before they could do so." Mr David Elliott noted that "Many of the recipients of those notices went to Fair Trading for advice and assistance, and on various occasions Fair Trading satisfactorily negotiated with Australian National Car Parks for the fines to be waived." He also said "car park operators across the nation are presently under active surveillance by Australian consumer law regulators." Mr Guy Zangari said "It is deception for Australian National Car Parks to present itself in a manner that makes it look like the recipient of an Australian National Car Parks infringement notice has offended the Crown by breaking a law". Mr Bryan Doyle (member for Campbelltown) said "During 2010 and 2011 Fair Trading officers inspected more than 90 car parks in metropolitan and regional locations, checking on signage at entry and exit points, hourly and daily rates, and terms and conditions on display. Operators whose terms and conditions were found to be unclear were advised to improve their signage and business operations". He also said "It is important to note that Fair Trading currently has a designated officer who handles all complaints regarding Australian National Car Parks. When NSW Fair Trading receives a complaint, attempts are made to resolve the matter through intervention and negotiation between the parties, which often results in the resolution of the complaints."
Mr Jamie Parker said "Australian National Car Parks is an organisation that has generated a great deal of concern. The problem is that these companies seem to have been more about debt collecting than parking management. Everyone admits that there have been problems. There have been overzealous and aggressive letters from lawyers. People have been aggressively pursued to pay fines and those fines have been seriously increased. For example, one might receive an $88 fine and an $85 handling fee.
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