Ammonium Perchlorate dissolved into UDMH

I found this toxic chemical that was added to UDHM in 1967 and reported in a NASA tech document. Article can be viewed by clicking on the pdf file below.

Next is a document from the same guys that said tumor growth in humans from low dose exposure to UDMH was possible.

Prepared for



2430 E. El Segundo Boulevard

Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA 90245

On Page 4 of Assessment of Perchlorate Releases in Launch Operations II written in Dec. 2002 lists Titan II as a missile system that uses the toxic chemical.

Table 2.1 lists some systems that utilize ammonium perchlorate solid propellant. Larger systems generally

use solid propellant in strap-on boosters.

Table 2.1. Examples of Systems That Use Ammonium Perchlorate Solid Propellant

Propellant Binder System

HTPB-------- Atlas2AS, , Delta IV, Atlas V, Titan IV, Titan II, Orbus1, Conestoga,

Pegasus, Taurus

PU----------- Minuteman I M56A1, QRLV-1

CTPB------- Minuteman II SR19, QRLV-2

PBAN -------STS (Shuttle), Titan III

I asked one of our PTS Vets about this and he does not believe this was used in the Titans here is his email:

Terry. To my knowledge, no. We used the 50/50 blend to gain advantages from both hydrazine and UDMH. But all of the engines we used and those that Gemini used had been tested using "regular" oxidized and fuel. Changing to a different fuel would have change the engine mixture ratios requiring additional engine tests. Other than increasing impulse, the main reason for the addition of Perchlorate would be to lower the freezing point. The freezing point was not important in Titan II because the silos were kept at 60 degrees. Once launched the powered flight was only about 5 minutes - not long enough for the propellants to freeze. NASA might be concerned because their flights lasted days/week/months/years. Some space crafts are still maneuverable using hyperbolic engines literally years later.

Perchorlate is used in large amounts in solid rocket motors.


So the authors of the study above may have added Titan II to their list by accident or it was in the fuel all the time but we did not know about it.

The ASTDR is listed below. Google this toxic chemical on the internet and find it is everywhere in the environment do to missile launches.