Getting an account

It's simple!

First, click on the "REGISTER" link over in the user sidebar:

You'll be taken to a page with the usual fields to fill out, which starts out like this:

Important stuff to know:

    • Usernames are unique! No two people can have the same username. If someone else has the same username but a different combination of upper/lowercase letters, you won't be able to take it. The system will tell you if the name you want is taken or not.

    • E-mail addresses must also be unique! Only one account can be created per e-mail address. This is a security thing I guess? If you try to create an account using an e-mail address which you've used before... it won't let you.

    • The only publicly available information you enter on this page is your username. Nothing else is available to anyone, except admins. Still, you should enter the correct information, because we can use that to help verify your identity in case something happens and that is needed.

Lastly you'll have to agree to the privacy policy. Of course.