Create a comic on the site

OK, first of all, if you don't have an account on The Duck then you'll need one! See this page for help on that.

Creating a new comic on The Duck is simple. Click on the "CREATE" link in the header bar:

You'll be taken to a page which lets you add in the information about your comic. For now we'll just look at the title and description parts:

The name of your comic will also become the comic's URL. For that reason, comic titles on The Duck must be unique. If you try to create a comic with a name which has already been taken, you'll be taken back to the "create a comic" page with an error message which says that name is taken.

The Duck also reserves the names of webcomics which were once on the site but have since been deleted. So although someone may not actively be using a comic name, it still may not be available.

The short description appears in searches and on your profile. You can use this space to help entice people to check out your comic!

For details about the rest of the options for comic properties, please check this page.