Problems uploading comic pages

IMPORTANT: Comic pages must have unique file names. If you upload two+ pages named "picture.jpg," for instance, the most recently uploaded page will replace all past pages with the same file name.

Firstly, please keep in mind the technical restrictions on uploading comic pages:

  • Only .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png files are accepted

  • Filesize must be smaller than 1 MB per image. This site can be used to resize and compress images:

  • If the image is wider than 960 pixels, it will be resized

Please ensure your file meets these criteria. If you are trying to upload a .bmp or a file larger than 2 Mb, it will be rejected.

If you get an error message, take note of it. It might tell you what is wrong. If it's a "code" error (like 403 Forbidden, 502 Bad Gateway, 504 Gateway Timeout, etc.) then that is likely a problem on the server/programming end and may need to be reported.

It may be worthwhile to try uploading the page using a different browser. Although that's not a long-term solution, it might get the job done, and if you report the problem along with browser information it can help us to identify and fix the problem.

You can ask an admin or moderator to help you. They will most likely ask you to tell them what you tried, send them the page you're trying to upload, and ask to be made an assistant (temporarily) on your comic. That way they can try uploading the page themselves to see if that helps figure out what the problem might be.