46738. TP03 : Fil d'Ariane !

Breadcrumb !

After the car accelerates, brakes, and corrects the trajectory station, here is the car that driver alone. Without the feet and no hands! MERCEDES launches PILOT STOP & GO device. This device takes the instructions to keep the car in line. STOP & GO PILOT adjusts the direction and regulates the speed to maintain safe distance between cars!

The track circuit is drawn with a black CHATTERTON. You have the BOT120 enterprise A4 equipped with an analog line tracker module. The module consists of a red light emitter, a LED, and an analog sensor, a phototransistor.

1. How the trajectory would it be with a line follower in All or Nothing?

2. Using an analog line follower, explain why the perfect line is a suite of nano diagonals on the right or the left?

3. To allow the circulation of several BOT120 on the same circuit, what should they do when BOT120 detect a collision ?

4. Write the logic diagram. Note:

- C2 pin allows an analog input (channel 8)

- The "READ ADC" command returns an analog value of the reflected light.

- the pages 28 and 29 of the documentation BOT120 shows a workable solution

5. Timing a lap with 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 and 5 robots. Explain severe downturns?