4664. Pong

Table tennis for 2 players. The winner is the first to arrive to 5 points

1. Draw the tennis court as the background. Draw the rackets.

2. Using this piece of script, write the whole script right racket.

  • Up arrow = high

  • Down Arrow = low

3. Do the same for the left racket. Choose "s" and "w" to the manual controls

4. Draw the tennis ball. Create tha variable “Player Left” and “Player Right” for scoring.

5. Analyze the script portion to reproduce.

6. If the ball touches the baseline line, the opponent wins a point. Then, the ball is placed at the center and the game is restarted after a second waiting. Complete the script.

7. If a score exceeds 4 points, the ball shows the winner for 2 seconds and the game is over.

Have fun !