4663. Racer Track

The war between taxis and Uberpop….is a trifle!

"The war between taxis and Uberpop, Heetch, Djump, Miinute, Sharette, iDVroom and La'Zooz is a trifle!" According to Bill Gates, former boss of Microsoft. ”The real revolution begins when the drivers will be useless. "(Financial Times).

You and your buddy have two hours to create a simulator of cars without driver.

1. with SCRATCH, draw, as a background, your race track.

2. Draw, as a spirite, a car without driver.

3. Position a few WayPointxx using invisible spirites.

4. Write program with the variable ActualSpeedxx will change depending on the level selected.

Suggestion to move the car without driver.

5. How does one regulate speed when approaching a slower car ? Make the script.

6. Make a same game for one car with hand controls.

Up arrow = faster,

Arrow down = slower,

Right arrow = turn right

Left arrow = turn left