Interesting Articles and Videos 28th February

Interesting Articles and Videos 28th February

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Zika Virus – The Latest Actor in the Fake Pandemic Play?

10th February 2016

By Makia Freeman

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Zika is the latest health scare to dominate the headlines of the mainstream media. The WHO (World Health Organization) declared (World Health Organization) declared a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” on February 1st, 2016. They stated that “the experts agreed that a causal relationship between Zika infection during pregnancy and microcephaly is strongly suspected, though not yet scientifically proven.”

Did you catch that – not scientifically proven? However, the lack of scientific proof has not stopped all sorts of fear-mongering by the mainstream media and Governments around the world. Apologists for this may claim it’s better to be prepared than not, but you have to wonder about that kind of preparation when Governments like those in El Salvador have actually instructed their citizens not to have sex!

Before getting overly scared, paranoid or doing a “zika freaka”, it’s worthwhile investigating the issue further. Is zika a real threat? If so, is it a bioweapon or an agent of bioterrorism or biowarfare? Or is this another fake pandemic like ebola, SARS and many others before it?

The Zika Virus – Another Fake Pandemic?

It’s pretty early on in the life of the current zika phenomenon – and at this stage I would suggest calling it the zika phenomenon rather than the zika outbreak. However, the zika virus itself has been round a long time – since at least 1947. Guess who owns the patent for the zika virus? None other than the Rockefeller Corporation. The Rockefellers are, of course, one of the most wealthy and powerful New World Order families. And, we know that Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine, all the way …

During the ebola scare of 2014, which turned out to essentially be a fake pandemic, I wrote the article Ebola: Hoaxing It Up! In this article, I pointed out the clues which showed that the whole thing was a fear-mongering scam, and that whatever danger the virus posed was being blown way out of proportion. For instance, people were treating a supposedly delay virus in a ridiculous way, e.g. by walking through ebola-infected water with sandals. The Government was clearly using crisis actors, just as they do with all the false flag events of recent years. At the time, almost all the mainstream media and even many in the alternative media were hyping the threat, knowingly or not.

However, there was one man who stood his ground and insisted the whole thing was a hoax: Jon Rappoport. Jon has studied these pandemics very carefully over the years, from AIDS to SARS to ebola and more, and in my opinion, has the best grasp of these issues. His conclusion with zika is the same as with ebola: the zika phenomenon is a hoax, using the cover story of a “deadly virus” to hide other uncomfortable truths. The official zika narrative is full of unfounded assertions and presumptions, and based on little or no evidence.

Some Key Zika Questions

1. Where is the evidence of a “epidemic”? (i.e. a sizeable number of disease cases in a geographic area, or a “pandemic”, i.e. a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world.) The latest figures via Rappoport (who quotes from a Sao Paulo newspaper article) are that 4783 suspected cases of microcephaly have been reported, that only 404 cases of the 4783 have been confirmed as having microcephaly, and that only 17 cases of the 404 have been linked to the zika virus. (Microcephaly is defined as “abnormal smallness of the head, a congenital condition associated with incomplete brain development”; there are an average of 25,000 cases annually in the United States alone.)

Remember, this is a final figure of 17 in Brazil, with some more reported in some other countries. Yet, the BBC dutifully reports the WHO predicting upwards of 4,000,000 zika cases in 2016! That’s 17 vs. 4 million!

2. Even if there were tens of thousands of cases spreading rapidly, where is the evidence that zika is the cause of the microcephaly? After all, microcephaly can be caused by a variety of genetic and environmental factors, according to the Mayo Clinic. Some of these “factors”, as it were, are actually deliberate pesticides poisons such as glyphosate, atrazine and metolachlor (all sprayed in Brazil). Often the real causes of a disease, whether it is an outbreak or not, are not as sexy, sensational or “newsworthy” as the mainstream media and Government likes them to be: lack of sanitation, lack of hygiene, lack of nutrition, endemic poverty, exposure to toxins, vaccine damage, pesticide intake, Big Pharma drug effects, etc. It becomes even more interesting when you consider that the toxins potentially causing the disease are the very ones sold by people and corporations (e.g. Big Biotech pesticides) that also own those same mainstream media channels and outlets …

3. Even if there were a true epidemic or pandemic, what is the justification for calling for people to not have sex, and for women to have abortions at sea? Is this not utterly insane and tyrannical? The fear-mongering has reached the point where people are being manipulated into killing their babies just because they might have zika – and that zika might cause microcephaly in their children?

The 2 Useless Tests that Form the Basis of ‘Zika Pandemic’ Propaganda

Whenever a story of disease epidemic or pandemic breaks on the mainstream media, if you want to know the truth of it, here’s a handy litmus test. See if the reports are based on either the Antibody test or the PCR test. Both of them fail to ultimately prove whether the dreaded virus in question is the cause of a so-called pandemic. As Rappoport explains:

“When a test shows that antibodies geared to a specific virus/villain (like Zika) are present in the body, it means the body has contacted that Zika virus—if the test was done well and didn’t come up with a falsely-positive result. False positives are frequent. But more disastrously, proving the body had contact with a specific virus says absolutely nothing about whether the patient is sick or will get sick. In fact, before 1985, a positive antibody test was generally taken to be a good sign: the body’s immune system had encountered and overcome the invader. After 1985, the “science” was turned upside down: a positive test meant the person was sick or going to get sick.”

So much for the Antibody test – it only shows if the body has developed antibodies to a particular virus. That doesn’t tell us if the virus is still present, and what the implications are for the person’s current and future health. Here’s what the PCR test does:

“The PCR is a very sophisticated and tricky test to run. It is prone to errors. It takes a tiny, tiny amount of material assumed to be a fragment of a virus, and it amplifies (blows up) that fragment so it can be observed. The first problem with the test is: did technicians indeed choose a tiny sample that actually is a piece of the virus in question? Or is it simply a bit of genetic debris? The second problem is: the test, despite claims to the contrary, says nothing reliable about the amount of virus (like Zika) that is in the patient’s body. Why is this important? Because you need a great deal of virus in the body to begin to say it is causing disease. A very small amount is trivial.”

The PCR test is qualitative, not quantitative. It shows if a virus is present, but it tells us nothing about the quantity or virulence of the virus. It is inconclusive. It simply can’t tell you whether it a virus is present enough in large or dangerous enough quantities to actually cause disease.

Zika: From Rockefeller Virus to GE Mosquitoes to Potential Zika Vaccine?

Step back and take a look at the whole zika phenomenon for a minute. First, it began a long time ago with a Rockefeller patent in 1947; then, it gets triggered by GE (genetically engineered) mosquitoes released by Oxitec (with funding from Bill Gates); then, Oxitec makes the mistake of not taking into account the amount of tetracycline in the pesticides in the area, thus rendering their GE mosquito idea null. Then, what are the solutions that the mainstream media and Government propose? More Big Biotech, Big Agra and Big Pharma intervention, of course: more GE mosquitoes (they’ll be better this time, we promise!), more pesticides and more vaccines.

Are you beginning to see a pattern in these fake pandemics?

Knowing the penchant that the New World Order criminals have for depopulation, we can at least say, if nothing else, that zika is a novel new angle on population control. The NWO conspirators have found a new excuse to tell people not to have sex and to promote more abortion. Eugenicist Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, which describes a future society where reproduction is strictly controlled by the State, would have been proud.

The Truth About the Zika Virus

21 Unseen Blessings of Being Mindful

by Guy Finley February 13, 2016

Making mistakes in life is one of its inevitabilities, as it’s impossible to transcend any individual limitation without first agreeing to meet it. Such encounters are the path we must walk if our wish is to fulfill whatever may be our divinely dispensed possibilities.

However, the more awake we can be, the more mindful of the whole of ourselves we are before we start moving toward any aim in life, the less likely we are to find ourselves feeling stressed, angry, or fearful over where we end up.

Use the following twenty-one unseen blessings of being mindful to help you realize just how nice it would be to see a pit before you fall into it!

21 Being Mindful Blessings

1. If I were mindful, I would never be in a rush…even if I had to move quickly.

2. If I were mindful, I couldn’t leave a mess behind me, let alone create one for someone else to clean up.

3. If I were mindful, I couldn’t be tempted into making the same mistake repeatedly, let alone believe in the sense of regret that always follows.

4. If I were mindful, I wouldn’t have to talk to myself for any reason, let alone explain or justify myself for whatever may have just happened.

5. If I were mindful, I could never say something cruel to anyone, anywhere, for any reason.

6. If I were mindful, I would never judge those around me, let alone myself.

7. If I were mindful, I would be consciously aware of anything I take into myself… whether some kind of food, my own thoughts and feelings, or the emanations of others.

8. If I were mindful, I would lose all fascination with talking about myself.

9. If I were mindful, I would know, without having to think about it, the general, if not the specific, inner state of anyone around me.

10. If I were mindful, I could never be made to act impulsively.

11. If I were mindful, I would have no need, whatsoever, to put on any kind of pretense.

12. If I were mindful, I would be able to use the negative manifestation of others for a highly positive purpose.

13. If I were mindful, I would know the difference between wants and needs.

14. If I were mindful, I couldn’t be brought to blame any other person for my pain.

15. If I were mindful, I would know the difference between useful and useless conversations.

16. If I were mindful, I would never embrace, let alone be convinced to hang on to a fear or worry.

17. If I were mindful, I could listen to others without having to inject something about myself.

18. If I were mindful, neither the imagined joy, nor the sorrow of some tomorrow would hold any attraction for me.

19. If I were mindful, I wouldn’t misplace things, let alone my sense of self.

20. If I were mindful, there would be no interest in, or need for, psychologically defending myself.

21. If I were mindful, I would enjoy an effortless sense of gratitude and reverence for life.

So, the question is: Given these 21 blessings of being mindful, why in the name of all that is good, holy, and divine do we not place being mindful before all other pursuits? And shouldn’t we dedicate our lives to being as perfectly mindful as it is possible for us to be?

Answer these two questions in the affirmative, act accordingly, and all unseen blessings will be yours. To ignore them is to turn your back on yourself and, with your inner eyes thus closed, to walk in ever-smaller circles, going nowhere but down.

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Can Medical Marijuana Relieve Migraines?

25th February 2016

By Christina Lavers

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

While a small minority has long been singing the praises of medical marijuana, until very recently it has been vilified by the mainstream. Portrayed as a dangerous, gateway drug that kills brain cells [1] and causes untold ills, this natural herb is slowly emerging from the cloud of propaganda and being seen in a more accurate light.

In the United States, cannabis has been criminalized at the Federal level by implementation of the Controlled Substances Act. This Act classifies cannabis, a natural herb, as a Schedule 1 drug—this is the strictest classification, on par with heroin, LSD and ecstasy. For a long time this rigid legislation meant that it was virtually impossible to conduct studies on it without breaking the law. Today the climate is slowly shifting and we are gradually seeing changes to some of the legislation that has long stifled research. While not much has changed at a federal level, at a state level legislation is being amended so that medical marijuana is no longer criminalized. Currently in the US, 21 states have legalised marijuana for medical purposes.

Now that there is some leeway, we are witnessing a growing body of evidence indicating a multitude of ways in which marijuana can benefit human health. Recent studies, as well as mounting anecdotal reports, suggest medical marijuana can assist with the treatment and management of many health conditions including cancer, seizures, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis.

One study that was recently published in the Journal of Pharmacotherapy looked at marijuana’s ability to help manage migraines.

Migraines are a debilitating condition characterized by a severe recurring headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, accompanied by sharp pain and often nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances. Approximately 18% of women and 6% of men suffer from this dreaded affliction. Migraines are extremely painful and notoriously difficult to treat as regular pain-killers usually don’t work. Because most of the prescription medications for migraines are associated with serious adverse reactions and side-effects, a natural, gentler alternative would be most welcome.

According to a new study from researchers at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, patients who had been diagnosed with migraine headaches saw a significant drop in their frequency when they used medical marijuana to treat their condition.

This study examined 121 migraine sufferers, who used medical marijuana to treat their condition between January 2010 and September 2014. The study documented an average reduction in migraines from 10.4 per month to 4.6 per month. This decline is considered to be both clinically and statistically significant.

Only fifteen of the 121 participants recorded no reduction in migraines, and three reported an increase.

“There was a substantial improvement for patients in their ability to function and feel better,” noted the study’s senior author Professor Laura Borgelt, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS. “Like any drug, marijuana has potential benefits and potential risks. It’s important for people to be aware that using medical marijuana can also have adverse effects.”

The study examined the charts of patients treated at Gedde Whole Health, a private medical practice located in Colorado. The clinic specialises in treating a range of conditions with marijuana. Approximately two thirds of the patients included in the study were either currently using, or had used cannabis in the past.

Of the various forms of cannabis being used, the researchers found that inhaled marijuana tended to be the favourite method for treating acute migraines. In terms of prevention, it was oral consumption, which is slower to impact on the body that was favoured.

While a distinct reduction in the number of migraines in participants was noted, more research is required to understand exactly how cannabis works in this process.

According to Borgelt, cannabinoid receptors are found throughout the entire body, including the brain, connective tissues and immune system. These receptors appear to have both anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, and to affect important neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are known to promote health and wellbeing in the body.

“We believe serotonin plays a role in migraine headaches, but we are still working to discover the exact role of cannabinoids in this condition,” Borgelt said.

Cannabinoids are a group of chemical compounds found in marijuana that are also known as terpenophenolic compounds. One of the most discussed cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol, often referred to as THC. This substance gives marijuana its psychoactive effects.

Another study, conducted by The Headache Center in Cleveland in 2015, reviewed randomized controlled research sources that estimate the role of cannabinoids in pain management. Concluding that cannabinoids have an empirically significant effect on pain mitigation, this review also offered a possible explanation as to why the use of cannabis can prevent headaches and migraines — the cannabinoids found in cannabis provide may an analgesic effect by modulating the pain signal in the brain on the level of the spinal cord.

Borgelt stated that while the findings of the Gedde study were “quite remarkable”, she emphasized the need for more controlled studies in the future:

“The ideal study would be a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with a marijuana washout period prior to start. It would also require providing subjects with standardized quantities and potencies of medical marijuana while tracking the occurrence of migraines just like prescription drug studies. But given federal anti-drug laws, that kind of study would likely require legislative changes before it could be done.”

Because of the lack of control in this particular study, due to the federal legislation, it becomes difficult to quantify its findings in a meaningful or scientific way. This demonstrates that while the climate surrounding marijuana is shifting, there are still some serious legal hurdles to overcome if we want to see an abundance of high quality research in this area. While the ‘Reefer Madness’ style hysteria, which was fuelled by fear, ignorance, greed and racism and was used to inform the existing legislation is waning, these archaic laws are clearly still inhibiting real progress.

One of the industries that continues to lobby to maintain marijuana’s criminal status is unsurprisingly the pharmaceutical industry. With an aggressive, profit focused agenda it is clearly not in their interest to allow this plant with so many health benefits to become accessible to their potential or existing clients… unless, of course, they were able to control and profit from it. Also unsurprisingly, this is what many of them are scrambling to do. Cannaboid based products like, Sativex and Epidiolex are emerging, while further patent applications are being lodged. In fact even the US government, which still officially classifies marijuana as a dangerous drug, has filed a patent for medical marijuana.

Ultimately, while circumstances are looking more positive for genuine and extensive exploration of this plant’s potential, it is still far from being available to all who could benefit from it. Hopefully as the public comes to realise that marijuana has the potential to assist and alleviate the suffering of so many, we will see an irrepressible push to end the absurd existing laws that were created based on misinformation and half truths.


[1] Rhesus monkeys were used in a study conducted in the US in the 1970s. The monkeys were forced to inhale the equivalent of 30 marijuana joints a day. The study found a clear relationship between marijuana consumption and permanent brain damage. The results of this study were used to support strict legislation around marijuana and fuelled the ‘war on drugs’. However, when this study was examined by a third party it was discovered that crucial information had been left out of the initial report. The key information was that the monkeys were forced to inhale the marijuana over periods of 3-5 minutes without breaking for oxygen intake. When these facts were taken into account it seemed that asphyxiation and carbon monoxide poisoning were more likely responsible for the results. When this study was repeated by independent research groups that addressed these concerns no brain damage was found.

20 Sources of Pain in the Body are Each Directly Tied to Specific Emotional States

26th February 2016

By Josh Richardson

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Pain is first energy, second perception, and third physical manifestation. There is no other source of pain but energetic. Physical presentation is always secondary. Every single origin of pain in our bodies can be traced back to a specific emotional state which functions to warn us that there is still work to be done in areas of our lives for which we have yet to integrate lessons. Once we integrate those lessons, the pain disappears.

The body is extremely literal when it comes to pain. The experiences in your life directly manifest in your body and when you encounter an emotional stress, your body shows you exactly what the problem is. The only thing you need to do is decode it.

20 Sources of Pain in the Body and the Emotional State They Reflect

1. Pain In Your Muscles. Represents a challenging ability to move in our lives. How flexible are we being with our experiences at work, home or within ourselves. Go with the flow.

2. Pain In Your Head. Headaches are contributed to not making a decision. (Migraines are the daddy of headaches of knowing what decision to make and not making it.) Be sure to take time out of every day to relax. Do something that eases the tension.

3. Pain In Your Neck. Pain in your neck is an indication that you may be having trouble with forgiveness of others, or even yourself. If you’re feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about yourself and others. Consciously work toward forgiveness.

4. Pain In Your Gums. Like the neck, pain in the gums is attributed to not making a decision for yourself and not sticking to it if you did. Be clear, and go for it!

5. Pain In Your Shoulders. Pain in your shoulders may indicate that you’re carrying a real emotional burden. That’s where the saying “shouldering a problem” comes from. Focus in on some proactive problem solving and distributing some of that burden to other people in your life.

6. Pain In Your Stomach. Carries recognition of digesting life, or not. GI distress is about not feeling fulfilled, leaving a hole and causing grief.

7. Pain In Your Upper Back. If you’re feeling pain in your upper back, you’re probably coping with a lack of emotional support. You might be feeling unloved or you could even be holding your love back. If you’re single, it might be time to go for a date.

8. Pain In Your Lower Back. Lower back pain might mean you’re worrying too much about money or you’re lacking in emotional support. It may be a good time to ask for an overdue raise or consider a financial planner to help you utilize money a little bit better.

9. Pain In Your Sacrum and Tail Bone. You may be sitting on an issue that needs to be addressed. Get to the bottom of it and you will see resolution.

10. Pain In Your Elbows. Pain in your elbows has a lot to do with resisting changes in your life. If your arms are feeling stiff, it may mean that you’re too stiff in your life. It may be time to think about making compromises and shaking things up a little bit. At the very least, go with the flow.

11. Pain In Your Arms In General. You’re carrying something or someone as an emotional burden. It may be time to ask yourself why do you keep carrying it?

12. Pain In Your Hands. With your hands, you reach out to others and connect. If you’re feeling hand pain, it may mean that you’re not reaching out enough. Try making new friends. Have lunch with an associate. Make a connection. It may also represent holding or letting go.

13. Pain In Your Hips. If you’ve been afraid of moving, that may manifest as a pain in the hips. Sore hips could be a sign that you’re too resistant to changes and moves. It may also show a caution toward making decisions. If you’re thinking on some big ideas, it’s time to make a decision. General pain in the hips relates to support. When they slip out, it generally relates to an imbalance in how you are relating to life. Feeling the lack of love and support.

14. Pain In Your Joints In General. Like muscles, pain in joints represents flexibility or lack of situations and your attachments to them. Be open-minded to new thoughts, lessons and experiences.

15. Pain In The Knees. Seeing life as unsupported. Inside knee; community, job, friends. Outside knee; personal issues. Humble yourself. Spend some time volunteering. Make sure you remember that you’re mortal. You’re just human and although you have an ego, don’t let it rule over your life.

16. Pain In Your Teeth. Not liking your situation and repeating that dislike in your thoughts and emotions daily. Repeat to yourself that experiences are flowing through easily as you integrate perceived positive or negative experiences with ease.

17. Pain In Your Ankles. Pain in your ankles may be a sign that you’re depriving yourself of pleasure. It may mean it’s time to indulge a little bit more. Spice up your romantic life a bit.

18. Pain Causing Fatigue. Boredom, resistance, and denying what it takes to move forward. Ask yourself, “What’s next?” Open yourself to that little voice which speaks very softly and nudges you towards a new experience.

19. Pain In Your Feet. When you’re depressed, you might feel some foot pain. Too much negativity can manifest in your feet not feeling so good. Look for the little joys in life. Find a new pet or a new hobby. Look for joy.

20. Pain That Is Unexplained In Different Body Parts. The cellular structure is currently being recoded in the human body and in the process it is purging and letting go of predominant resident frequencies that are being eliminated. For this energy to clear, the immune system and actually all systems within the body must be effectively weakened. So while the body may appear to be in a state of illness, it is more or less in a state of clearing. Know that it will pass.

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