Interesting Articles and Videos 13th December

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Shifting the Brainwave State

6 Powerful Practices to Expand Your Consciousness and Harmonize Your Brain

6th December 2015

By Justin Faerman

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The brain and consciousness are inextricably linked, meaning that shifts in one of these aspects of the self produce corresponding shifts in the other. This is in large part because consciousness is not restricted to existing only in physical form and is in fact a non-local field of energy [1,2,3,4,5]. This means that the brain is simply an organ which interfaces the mind with the physical reality.

To draw an analogy, it is a translator of physical sensation and other experiential phenomenon from the body to the mind and from mind to the body. The brain allows the mind to control and move through the body, but the mind exists as an energetic field independently of the brain, which is why scientists have never been able to pinpoint consciousness to any specific part of the brain or to the brain itself — because it does not arise from the brain. Metaphorically speaking, the brain is simply a tool that the non-local mind uses to interface with and experience physical reality.

With the brain being the primary organ through which consciousness experiences reality, its health and functioning affects our experience of consciousness in a significant way. If our brain is undernourished, nutrient deficient, stressed out or in chaotic brainwave patterns, our experience of consciousness in physical form (reality) will be diminished, which means that we’ll tend to experience more stress, depression, anxiety, fear, frustration, mental cloudiness and so on with a noticeable diminishment of higher, intuitive-transpersonal mental functioning, in other words, a shutting down of our higher intuitive abilities and spiritual awareness.

On the other hand, if our brain is nourished and relaxed with the two hemispheres operating in sync and harmony, our experience of reality will be exponentially improved (Learn more about how consciousness interacts with reality here: how to evolve your consciousness). We’ll find ourselves experiencing more inspiration, creativity, intuition, happiness, clarity, peace, joy and other positive emotional states. While there are many factors that influence our brain’s health and functioning, and hence our expression of consciousness, including our deeper psychodynamics, our diet and nutrition, and level of toxicity from environmental pollutants, among other things, I’d like to focus in on one specific factor that is easy to control and has a very significant positive impact on your experience of reality as far as all these things go. And that’s your dominant brainwave state.

Brainwave Patterns and Consciousness

In case you’ve never heard of brainwaves before, I’ll explain what they are and why you should care about them, as well as give a brief overview of the different brainwave states and how they correspond to your consciousness and experience of life. Then we’ll dive into six powerful practices for shifting them in a positive direction in order to expand your consciousness and harmonize brain function.

The brain operates largely through electrical signals sent between approximately 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) spread out across different regions. The firing of these neurons happens rapidly and creates wavelike rhythms of activation and rest, which can be measured by sensitive machinery. The rate at which the neurons fire and the synchronicity between the firing generates varying wave frequencies, which scientists have mapped, categorized and correlated to different states of consciousness as follows:

Gamma Waves: 27 Hz and up

Gamma is associated with expanded states of awareness, heightened intuition and creativity, activation of the pineal gland, feelings of peace, joy and oneness, enhanced mental clarity and focus, formation of ideas, language and memory processing, and various types of learning. Gamma waves have been identified as a characteristic brainwave pattern of regular meditators and monks and are present when we are dreaming, although they can arise in normal waking consciousness as well.

Beta Waves: 12 Hz – 27 Hz

Wide awake. This is the predominant mental state most people are in during the day and the majority of their waking lives. Although this state tends to be uneventful, don’t underestimate its importance. Many people who lack sufficient beta activity may experience symptoms of mental or emotional disorders such as depression or ADHD, and low SMR production (a sub-range of beta at 12-15 Hz) may be related to insomnia. Stimulating beta activity can improve emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness and concentration in certain situations, however, most people notice more benefit from shifting their brainwaves into other less frequently experienced states.

Alpha Waves: 8 Hz – 12 Hz

Awake but relaxed and not processing much information. When you get up in the morning and just before you fall asleep, you are naturally in this state. When you close your eyes your brain automatically starts producing more alpha waves. Many studies monitoring the EEG activity of experienced meditators have revealed strong increases in alpha activity. Alpha activity has also been connected to the ability to recall memories, lessened discomfort and pain, and reductions in stress and anxiety.

Theta Waves: 3 Hz – 8 Hz

Light sleep or extreme relaxation. Theta is also a very receptive mental state that has proven useful for hypnotherapy, as well as self-hypnosis using recorded affirmations and suggestions. Theta waves have also been correlated with bursts of inspiration, creativity and vivid visualizations.

Delta Waves: 0.2 Hz – 3 Hz

Deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves. When your dominant brainwave is delta, your body is healing itself and “resetting” its internal clocks. You do not dream in this state and are completely unconscious. Delta is also associated with very deep states of meditation as well as healing and rejuvenation of the brain and body, which correlates to Stage 4 REM sleep, where Delta waves are most frequently experienced.

Clearly there are great benefits to be had by shifting your brainwaves into highly specific states, allowing your consciousness to experience reality through different ‘lenses’ that help it focus in positive, expansive and often times deeply healing ways.

Exercises to Shift Your Brainwave State

The exercises and nutraceuticals below have all been proven to shift brainwave patterns and improve trans-hemispheric communication in the brain, allowing for an expanded experience of consciousness. They are a blend of both organic, ancient practices and more modern technological advances, allowing you to blend the best of both worlds to your liking and suit your specific needs.

1. Deep Rhythmic Breathing Meditation

Brainwave States Cultivated: Gamma, Alpha, Theta, Delta

Meditation is one of the easiest and fastest ways to alter your brainwave state, and the longer and more frequently you meditate, the longer the brainwave state shifts last. Regular meditators tend to experience a semi-permanent to permanent brainwave spectrum shift toward gamma, alpha and theta as they literally recondition their neural pathways and stimulate new growth that reinforces these patterns [Liou, Litz, Udo,7,8,9]. Furthermore, this is what I call an organic method of altering brainwave state, meaning that the practice is initiated by the individual from within without relying on supplements or various technologies. This, of course, is ideal — to empower and activate one’s own innate capacity for evolutionary change.

Perhaps the best way I have found to do this is through what I call ‘Deep Rhythmic Breathing Meditation,’ although other forms of meditation are certainly effective for achieving these ends as well. It’s a simple practice:

  1. Find a comfortable seated position where your spine is as straight as possible while still being relaxed and free of tension. Feel free to use pillows, props, chairs, floor, etc. Whatever works for you. Hands should be comfortably placed in your lap or whatever other position you prefer.

  2. Once you have a found a comfortable seated position, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to relax further and then begin the Ujjayi breath, an ancient Daoist and Yogic form of breathing, which is described as follows:

  • Take an inhalation that is slightly deeper than normal. With your mouth closed, exhale through your nose while constricting your throat muscles. If you are doing this correctly, you should sound like Darth Vader from Star Wars. Some also liken this sound to the sound of the ocean.

  • Another way to get the hang of this practice is to try exhaling the sound “haaaaah” with your mouth open. Now make a similar sound with your mouth closed, feeling the outflow of air through your nasal passages. Once you have mastered this on the outflow, use the same method for the inflow breath, gently constricting your throat as you inhale.

You will continue to use the Ujjayi breath throughout the entire meditation. The Ujjayi breath allows you to slow down and lengthen your breath significantly versus normal breathing methods.

  1. Keep your awareness on your breath throughout the meditation and with each breath inhale a little bit more air and slightly deeper. With every out breath exhale a little bit more slowly and deeply. This is not a race, let it unfold naturally.

  2. Keep repeating this indefinitely. One single breath may end up lasting a minute or more. As you continue to breath deeply you will find an exquisite and extraordinarily pleasurable peace wash over your mind and body. You will feel your brain moving into a state of deep harmony and relaxation. It is not uncommon to become very inspired and have intuitive insights flash into your mind. You will find your mood elevated and many experience waves of bliss. All these phenomenon and anything else you experience are in large part as a result of your brain waves moving into alpha, delta, theta and gamma wave states.

Enjoy the aftereffects for hours and sometimes even days. Repeat daily for maximum impact and lasting effects. Studies have found measurable alterations in brain size and genetic markers of stress reduction in as little as a few weeks.[11,12]

Finland's Basic Income Plan Would See All Citizens Receive 800 Euro A Month

Finland’s government is drawing up plans that will make the Nordic country the first in the world to offer all its citizens a basic income.

Details of the plan won’t be released until November, 2016, but according to local news sources, the government will eliminate many other earnings-based social programs, such as unemployment insurance.

The plan would see Finnish citizens receive 800 euro (C$1,170 at current exchange rates) from the government each month. An initial pilot program would pay participants 550 euro (C$805).

A shopping street in Helsinki, Finland.

Though critics of the basic income argue it would discourage people from working, the Finnish government believes the opposite — that a basic income could convince people to get off the jobless rolls and back into the workforce.

According to Quartz, Finland’s jobless rate is at a 15-year high. Observers say it often doesn’t make sense for someone to take a lower-paying job because the income would be offset by a loss of government benefits.

By giving everyone a basic income, the government hopes to convince some of those unemployed to take a lower-paying job they would otherwise not have taken.

Read more about the minimum income: $10,000 For Everybody? Why A Guaranteed Income Just Might Work

Though the plan has yet to be drafted and passed into law, observers say it’s likely to happen, given the support of the country’s prime minister, Juha Sipila, and given that he has the support of most parties in Finland’s parliament.

"For me, a basic income means simplifying the social security system," Sipila said, as quoted at the BBC.

Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila says a basic income for everyone will simplify the social security system.

Supporters of the basic income — such as former Senator Hugh Segal — argue it could go a long way to eliminating poverty.

Segal points to the example of Ontario’s Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors — essentially a basic income for the retired. He says when it was introduced in the 1970s, it reduced the poverty rate among seniors to 3 per cent from 30 per cent.

Segal, along with others, also argues a basic income would be less “judgmental” than the current system of unemployment and welfare benefits, where government officials have to dig into people’s lives to see whether they are deserving of help.

By giving everyone the same amount, government could shrink bureaucracy and lower costs, basic income backers say.

One of the few real-world experiments with a basic income took place in the 1970s, in Dauphin, Manitoba. Though research on that five-year experiment was buried long ago, academics have recently uncovered the results.

This town in Manitoba eliminated poverty in the 70s and nearly everyone forgot

They found that Dauphin essentially eliminated poverty during its “mincome” experiment, as it was known. There was a drop in workforce participation, but that was largely due to people going back to school, an option they could now more easily afford.

Read more about the minimum income: A Canadian City Once Eliminated Poverty, And Almost Everyone Forgot...

Canada’s governing Liberal Party has made running a basic income pilot project a part of its platform, but the recently elected government has not moved forward yet with any initiatives.

Though Finland is the first known country to plan a nationwide basic income project, it’s by no means the only place contemplating the idea.

The Dutch city of Utrecht is launching a pilot project in 2016 that will see residents receive a monthly income of 900 euro (C$1,318).

Switzerland, where many policy issues are decided by popular vote, is planning to hold a referendum on a basic income.

No date for the vote has been set yet. Current proposals would see Swiss residents receive a much more generous sum than is being considered in Finland — 2,500 Swiss francs per month, or C$3,370.

The Rulers of Time and Space that control Your Mind, Body and Soul

A Prison on Earth

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Is consciousness the bridge between science & religion?

Persian, Ottoman empires collide as big Middle Eastern oil fight rages on

Benjamin Fulford

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Science and religion often seem poles apart–and in many ways they are. But I believe the two can, and will eventually be, united; and their meeting point will be human consciousness.

By Peter Russell

That we are conscious beings is the most obvious fact of our existence. Indeed, all we ever know are the thoughts, images, and feelings arising in our consciousness. Yet as far as Western science is concerned, there is nothing more difficult to explain. Why should the complex processing of information in the brain lead to an inner personal experience? Why doesn’t it all go on in the dark, without any awareness? Why do we have any inner life at all?

This paradox–the undeniable existence of human consciousness set against the absence of any satisfactory scientific account for it–suggests there may be something amiss with the current scientific worldview. Most scientists assume that consciousness emerges in some way or other from insentient matter. But if this assumption is getting us nowhere, perhaps we should consider an alternative worldview–one found in many metaphysical and spiritual traditions. There, consciousness is held to be an essential component of the cosmos, as fundamental as space, time, and matter.

Interestingly, expanding the scientific model to include consciousness in this way does not threaten any of the conclusions of modern science. Mathematics remains the same, as do physics, biology, chemistry, and all our other discoveries about the material world. What changes is our understanding of ourselves. If consciousness is indeed fundamental, then the teachings of the great sages and mystics begin to make new sense.

Those who have penetrated to the core of their minds have frequently discovered a profound connection with the ground of all being. The sense of being an individual self–that feeling of I-ness that we all know so well but find so hard to define–turns out to be not so unique after all. The light of consciousness that shines in me is the same light that shines in you–the same light shining through a myriad of minds.

Some have expressed this inner union in the statement “I am God.” To traditional religion, this rings of blasphemy. How can any lowly human being claim that he or she is God, the almighty, supreme, being? To modern science, such statements are nothing more than self-delusion. Physicists have looked out into deep space to the edges of the universe, back into “deep time” to the beginning of creation, and down into “deep structure” to the fundamental constituents of matter. In each case they find no evidence for God; nor any need for God. The Universe seems to work perfectly well without any divine assistance.

But when mystics speak of the divine, they are not speaking of some supernatural, supreme being who rules the workings of the universe; they are talking of the world within. If we want to find God, we need to look into the realm of “deep mind”–a realm that science has yet to explore.

When it does, it may find it has embarked upon a course that will ultimately lead it to embrace spirit and–dare we say it–God. To the scientific establishment, rooted in a material worldview, this is anathema. But so was the notion of the solar system four centuries ago.

Read More:

Anunnaki Secret History on Earth

Historical events continue to unfold in the Middle East as old empires, the Ottoman (Turkey) and the Persian (Iran), look for allies in their fight to seize oil fields and redraw maps of the region. The fighting in the Middle East is also about control of petro-dollars and thus over the world’s financial system. As such, it is a Western civil war using proxies in the region.

The complex array of forces fighting over this oil prize makes the news coming from the region confusing. So, it might be a good time to try to identify the key players and their agendas before going further into the latest developments in the war.

The first thing to understand is that revenue streams worth over $2 trillion per year are being fought over. Europe, for example, spent over $600 billion on energy in 2013, according to statistics put out by Eurogas.

Most of this was imported from either the Middle East or Russia. China and the US each spend similar amounts as does the rest of the world.

The so-called Neo-con faction of the Khazarian mafia was hoping to seize all of this oil and thus keep their control over the planet intact for at least another century, as can been seen in their own reports like Project for a New American Century. That is why Khazarian inbred Mafioso thug George Bush Jr. and his pals carried out their 911 “new Pearl Harbor.” This was why the US and other Western armies were fooled into stealing oil for these gangsters under the pretext of a “search for weapons of mass destruction” and a “search for Bin Laden.”

We also know that Bush Jr. regime thug Donald Rumsfeld reported $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon’s budget immediately before 911. This money was spent creating the mercenary army variously known as Blackwater, Academi and now ISIS, according to Pentagon military intelligence. This private army, at least 500,000 strong, has been seizing the oil fields of the Middle East, especially Iraq and Syria.

We also now know from multiple, detailed reports, that the stolen oil is being laundered through Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They countries are all ruled by Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia families pretending to be Muslim or Jewish.

The other point that needs to be repeated here is that big oil companies and their shareholders are deeply involved in this conflict. The big oil companies duking it out over the region are BP (British Rothschilds), Exxon Mobil (Rockefeller), Gazprom (Rothschild plus Russian oligarchs) and the Saudi/Bush crime syndicate.

The seemingly opposed Khazarian mafia factions have been pretending to fight each other while actually working together to create a Khazarian controlled super-state in the region. This is what the entire so-called Arab spring series of coups d’etat against governments of the region was supposed to accomplish in the end.

There is also a powerful faction fighting to completely end Khazarian control in the region and elsewhere that is centered on the world’s armed forces and intelligence agencies, especially those of the US, Russia and China.

We must also recall that Russia, France, England, Germany, Iran, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the Pentagon and others are all actively participating, along with the ISIS mercenary army, in the fighting that is raging in the region.

We can now see why it is not unreasonable to say that World War 3 has started in the Middle East.

OK, so with that big picture reminder of what is going on, let us look at the latest developments in this conflict. Last week, while Russian President Vladimir Putin met with US President Barack Obama in Paris, General Joseph Dunford, head of the Pentagon, called Valery Gerasimov, Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces. Dunford and Gerasimov discussed how to “to take down Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia in the real war on terror,” according to Pentagon sources.

As a part of this joint Russian/Pentagon campaign, the Pentagon has crippled all the Patriot air defense missile systems in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel. At the same time Russia has established a no-fly zone throughout the region.

“Israeli reports of airstrikes in Syria or countermeasures for Russian S300 anti-missile systems in Greece are desperate lies to mask its irrelevance, defeat, and grounded air force,” the Pentagon sources say. The flow of oil to Israel has now been largely stopped and that country is being forced, kicking and screaming, to give up the territory it seized in 1967.

There is also a bank run going on in Israeli ally Saudi Arabia in reaction to Yemeni troops entering that country and surrounding the towns of Najran and Jizan near the Yemeni border.

The German government has now also joined the Russians and the Pentagon as they openly moved against the Khazarians by publicly accusing the Saudi Arabians of being among the world’s leading exporters of terror.

Meanwhile Russia has made big moves against Khazarian proxy forces in Azerbaijan, according to the Pentagon sources. An Azerbaijani oil rig was set on fire last week fire to stop a flow of oil to Israel that it was using to finance arms export to the Azerbaijanian capital Baku. Russia has also deployed missiles in Armenia to “ground the two secret Israeli drone/airbases in Azerbaijan,” they said. “The message is Shia-majority Azerbaijan must dump Israel, accept bear hug, stop Shia crackdown, make nice with Iran or else,” one of them said.

Turkey has now reacted by sending troops into Iraq and openly allying itself with the Sunni Muslims in that country. Sources in contact with Nouri al-Maliki, until recently President of Iraq, say Maliki believes there is a secret US/Turkish deal to split Iraq. Al-Maliki believes ISIS is out of control and the US can do nothing to stop it, the sources said.

Other sources say Turkey’s regime is simply moving into the power vacuum that exists in Iraq and is developing in Saudi Arabia in an effort the stop what it views as a Persian offensive in the region. So, as mentioned above, we have a war between the Ottoman Empire and its allies and the Persian Empire and its allies. Right now, the smart money is on the Persians.

However, now that the Turks realize NATO is not going to fight Russia on their behalf, you can be sure they are secretly negotiating with Russia and the Pentagon in the hopes of saving themselves from disaster. The US military has already made it very clear it is unwilling to protect Israel which means that country will be at the mercy of Turkey, Iran and, most of all, Russia.

The fighting in the Middle East is part of a bigger plan by the US military industrial complex planners for a worldwide takedown of the Khazarian mafia control of the banking and financial systems. This scenario calls for “$30 a barrel oil, an emerging market debt default, the fall of the house of Saud and the use of the Chinese Yuan to pay for Middle Eastern oil,” among other things. Taken together, these events will cause bank collapses and the end of the Khazarian New World Order, the planners envision. The trigger could be the expiry of oil hedges in January and February that will suddenly leave some big players much more exposed to the effects of collapsing oil prices, they say.

Inside the US, the military industrial complex is carrying out a purge of “Israeli fifth columnists,” the sources said. One visible sign of this was the conviction last week of former New York State assembly speaker Sheldon Silver on seven federal corruption counts.

The conviction is part of a move to remove political protection for the criminal Wall Street hedge funds and firms that are looting the US economy, White Dragon Society sources in the US say.

Another sign is a campaign to oust Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, ostensibly over the cover up of the extra-judicial killing of an African American teenager. This however, is just a legal pretext to remove this Chicago gangster from power, the WDS sources say. There will be more heads rolling as this develops, the US WDS sources add. The Khazarians will react with more staged mass shootings.

Meanwhile, there have been developments in Japan as well. Japanese power broker Chodoin Daikaku says the former Japanese finance minister Heizo Takenaka has recently offered a bribe worth “over a billion dollars,” to popular opposition politician Toru Hashimoto. Since Takenaka is the Japanese traitor who handed over control of the Japanese financial system to the Khazarian mob, this attempt to bribe Hashimoto is aimed at making him serve the Khazarian mafia. If he accepts the bribe, he will be promised to eventually be given the job of Prime Minister but only if he agrees to allow the continued looting of Japan’s savings by the Khazarian mafia.

The latest Bank of Japan reports note that the total amount of money in circulation in Japan is decreasing while the latest Japanese GDP statistics show the country is in recession. Both of these events prove that so-called Abenomics, or mass money printing by the Bank of Japan, is merely the theft of Japanese money with the aim of saving the Khazarian mob and their banks. As the Japanese government’s own statistics show, this BOJ money is not being spent in Japan.

Finally, Zhang Seung Shik, one of the claimants to the $30 trillion Manchurian gold fortune, last week said the Bank for International Settlements has promised him the money will be used to “restore the Manchurian nation, divide China into 16 countries and divide Russia into 4 countries.” All we can say to Mr. Zhang is that he can dream on but he is not going to be put in charge of $30 trillion by anybody.


Stanley Kubrick Confesses to Faking Moon Landings

A stunning new video has emerged 15 years after Stanley Kubrick’s death in which Kubrick admits that the NASA moon landings were faked.

Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray interviewed Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. He was forced to sign an 88-page NDA to keep the contents of the interview a secret for 15 years.

Below is a transcript from the interview with Stanley Kubrick, in which the 2001 Space Odyssey Director admits on camera that, “the moon landings ALL were faked , and that I was the person who filmed it.”

We have included a leaked rough cut of the interview below the transcript:


K: I’m so preoccupied. With my work, innovation, risk-taking, regrets…

T: Why are you giving this interview?

K: Because, it started to get to me after awhile. Well, this is difficult, because it is the first time I’ve talked about it. (sighs)

T: Sure, take all the time you need.

K: I’ve always been conflicted by it, but not consciously until years later. I was just blown away by the chance, the opportunity, the challenge of making this, this production, and I went into this like it was a regular film, like another regular film of mine, not thinking too much about uh the long term effects of what it would mean to society if it was ever discovered.

T: What are you talking about? I’m dying to know what you’re talking about.

K: Well, a confession of sorts. A movie I made, that nobody is aware of – even though they’ve seen it.

T: A movie you made, no one knows you made? Is that what you said?

K: That’s right. Is that intriguing? Do I have you intrigued?

K: I perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public, which I am now about to detail, involving the United States government and NASA, that the moon landings were faked, that the moon landings ALL were faked , and that I was the person who filmed it.

T: Ok. (laughs) What are you talking…You’re serious. Ok.

K: I’m serious. Dead serious.

K: Yes, it was fake.

T: Ok. Wait. Wait…

T: I don’t want this to be an R-rated film, but seriously, what the blank, but seriously…

T: I, I, I worked almost eight months to secure this once in a lifetime interview that almost no else could ever get, and instead of talking about his sixteen films that I’ve endured since I was a child…That we didn’t land on the moon, you’re saying?

K: No, we didn’t.

K: It was not real.

T: The moon landings were fake?

K: A, a, a.. fictional moon landing. A fantasy. It was not real.

K: Don’t you think it’s important for people to know the truth?

T: The moon landing in ’69, which was two years before my birth…

K: Is total fiction.

T: Total fiction.

T: Is that?…So, that’s the 15 year thing. So that’s makes sense now. That’s why I can’t release it for 15 years now, that makes total sense now.

T: Did we…we didn’t land on the moon you’re saying?

K: No, we didn’t.

T: Why are you telling me?

K: A, a, a, a massive fraud. An unparalleled fraud perpetrated against them. They SHOULD know.

K: Nixon want to uh, they were planning, yeah, he want to fake this, this moon landing…

T: Are you contending that people DON’T want to know the truth about the world, reality, the moon landings…?

K: The government, knowing this, takes advantage of it by perpetrating fraud after fraud after fraud.

T: How did you end up giving in? Being complicit with this fraud?

K: I didn’t want to do it.

T: This is NOT where I thought this interview was going!

K: With my help, with my, with my aid, and it is, it is bothering me.

T: I only have this certain amount of time with you. And I’ll talk about whatever you want, but…

T: You’re not…This isn’t some type of joke, or…

K: No. No, it’s not.

T: Or a film within a film thing…

K: Not joking. NOPE.

T: Okay.

K: The conspiracy theorists were right, on this occasion.

T: I don’t know what to ask you first.

K: I thought it was wrong, I just…I didn’t believe in perpetrating a fraud like that.

T: But you did.

K: It also undermined my artistic integrity to do that.

T: Ok, but you ended up saying yes. Why?

K: Well, yes, but because basically I was bribed. To put it bluntly, that’s what it was. It was just a plain fucking bribe.

T: Why are you telling me?

K:A, a, a, massive fraud. An unparalleled fraud perpetrated against them. They SHOULD know! Don’t you think it’s important for people to know the truth?

T: Why did they have to fake it? Why? Why would they ever need to do something like that? Why would the government ever want or need to do…

K: It’s no secret that NASA always wanted to fulfill this Kennedy prophecy.

T: Take it from the beginning…

T: I gotta be honest, this is where he (Kubrick) got me. I mean, when I actually put myself in his position, when I actually imagine that he was telling the truth, and that he was presented with this opportunity and if in the one in a billion chance that I lived his life and I was presented with the same opportunity, what would I do?

T: Yeah, he wanted his approval points up and he thought nothing could do it better than this.

T: What a conflict. I mean, gosh, I can’t imagine being presented with that opportunity. On one hand, I’d really would want to do it, but then I’d probably say I’m committing a crime, and lying…

T: It depends, but my guess would be…no, if you’re good, but you would do it.

K: Spielberg, (inaudible) Scorsese, even Woody Allen. There isn’t one of them who wouldn’t do this.

T: I gotta admit: I’d do it. I’d do it too.

T: But they dangled all this power and all this flattery on you, essentially?

K: Yeah, it got to me after awhile. You can listen to so much of that stuff before you start to believe it.

T: They just said you were the greatest and stuff?

K: Yeah, yeah – and I agreed with them.

K: Why are you telling the world? Why does the world need to know that the moon landings aren’t real and you faked them?

K: Which I consider to be my masterpiece.

T: And you can’t take credit, or even talk about…

K: Well, I am now..

T: Right, so you’ll be dead. In ten years, or 15…

K: Right, ten or 15 something like that.

T: So, you can’t talk to Roger Ebert about it. Does that frustrate you?

T: Why did they have to fake it? Why would they have to do that?

K: Because it is impossible to get there.

T: Ok, back up, back up, back up….

first 30 minutes on YouTube…

For more evidence of moon fakery, see

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