Interesting Articles and Videos 17th January

Interesting Articles and Videos 17th January

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Science Proves Rich People Are Generally Evil


Extremely wealthy people discard their own spouses and children as easily as they discard thousands of factory workers. They feel absolutely no guilt as they scheme and connive, and they will rip off other rich people in massive Ponzi schemes with as little feeling as they’ll rape their housekeepers. The rich strap their supposedly beloved family pets to the top of their expensive cars for days at a time, and find the animal’s resulting terror and diarrhea funny. The rich are different, that’s for sure — they lack morals. This is the not-so-surprising result of a study by scientific academic people at a university somewhere.

ABC News reports:

Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley analyzed a person’s rank in society (measured by wealth, occupational prestige and education) and found that those who were richer were more likely to cheat, lie and break the law than those who were poorer.

“We found that it is much more prevalent for people in the higher ranks of society to see greed and self-interest … as good pursuits,” said Paul Piff, lead author of the study and a doctoral candidate at Berkeley. “This resonates with a lot of current events these days.”

The Movie They Don't Want You To See

If you are what you eat (and you are), doesn't it make sense to know where your food comes from?

Iceland Sentences 26 Corrupt Bankers To 74 Years In Prison

Iceland just sentenced their 26th banker to prison for his part in the 2008 economic collapse. The charges ranged from breach of fiduciary duties to market manipulation to embezzlement.

When most people think of Iceland, they envision fire and ice. Major volcanoes and vast ice fields are abundant due to its position on the northern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. (A hot July day in Reykjavik is around 55 degrees.) However, Iceland is also noted for being one of the Nordic Socialist countries, complete with universal health care, free education and a lot other Tea Potty nightmares. Therefore, as you might imagine, they tend to view and react to economic situations slightly differently than the U.S.

When the banking induced “Great Recession of ’08” struck, Iceland’s economic hit was among the hardest. However, instead of rewarding fraudulent banking procedures with tons of bailout money, they took a different path.

Prior to the recession, Iceland had one of the more thriving economies in the world, in spite of the fact that their total population (327,000) wouldn’t even fill a mid-sized American city. When the recession struck, they were among the earliest and hardest hit. However, instead of running to the vaults to shower the banks with money, they let the banks fail. They also resisted traveling down the European/Republican austerity road. Instead, they kept their social programs intact at a time when they were most needed.

And, they sent fraudulent bankers to jail.

When Iceland’s three major banks collapsed, it resulted in defaults totaling $114 billion in a country with agross domestic product (GDP) of only $19 billion. In October, 2008 the parliament passed emergency legislation to take over the domestic operations of the major banks and established new banks to handle them. They did not, however, take over any of the foreign assets or obligations. Those stayed with the original banks, right into bankruptcy.

They then brought charges against several banking executives for fraud and market manipulation, resulting in sentences ranging from four to five and a half years. As the special prosecutor said,

Why should we have a part of our society that is not being policed or without responsibility?

In the U.S., we simply tapped a few wrists with small fines, that ended up being paid by their respective banks.(Can you say “got off scot free?”)

Sending the bank executives off to play rock hockey for a few years didn’t solve the problem, but it did send a message not to do that again.

At its worst, Icelandic currency, the Icelandic krona (ISK) was trading at around 250 ISK per Euro. In order to qualify for an IMF (International Monetary Fund) loan, Iceland raised interest rates to 18%, which, of course, attracted bank deposits. Iceland also received a $2.5 billion loan from Europe’s Nordic countries.

To power its recovery, Iceland utilized its natural advantages such as its clean, cheap geothermal energy to attract the tech industry. Icelandic commercial fishing remained strong and as the general world economy picked up, the tourist industry bloomed. The deeply depreciated krona also helped make Iceland and Icelandic products very attractive, economically. On the banking front, they facilitated domestic debt restructuring and fiscal adjustments as conditions changed.

As to how it has all turned out, here’s what the International Monetary Fund Survey has to say about it:

Iceland has rebounded after the 2008/9 crisis and will soon surpass pre-crisis output levels with strong performance in tourism and fisheries. Debt ratios are on a downward path and balance sheets have broadly been restored. The financial sector is back on track though with some important items remaining on the docket.

As the above survey also states, Iceland is “the first 2008-10 crisis country in Europe to surpass its pre-crisis peak of economic output.”

The krona is now running 142 ISK per Euro. (up from 290/1 in 2008) The 2014 inflation rate was 2.05%.(down from 12.59% in 2008) The wage index is running at 190.9. (up from 132.8 in 2008)

Btw, they did all this while keeping their social welfare intact. (There goes another bagger day-dream.)

Iceland’s President, Olafur Ragnar Grimmson explained how the country managed to recover from the global financial disaster,

We were wise enough not to follow the traditional prevailing orthodoxies of the Western financial world in the last 30 years. We introduced currency controls, we let the banks fail, we provided support for the poor, and we didn’t introduce austerity measures like you’re seeing in Europe.

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Forgotten Spiritual Truths About Raising Children

This is a masterpiece by Frank M. Wanderer PhD which is a "must read and understand" for any parent or teacher.

In our life most of us have experienced one or two mysterious encounters, when visitors come to us from the unknown. These special guests are in fact our own children. We love them, and we are happy that they are here, but most of us do not accept them the way we should. They do not receive from us the deep respect and awe that wanderers who come from the depths of the Universe duly deserve. Instead, we look upon our children as if they were our own property, and we try to condition them to become adults we will be able to be proud of.

Are we really good hosts for these visitors, is this really the way we should receive our guests?

The Nature of the Conditioned Patterns of Mind

In order to find the correct answer to the question above, we first need to know ourselves as well as possible. Since if we ourselves are ignorant of what or who we are, and what the purpose of our existence in this world is, we will only be able to use the conditioned patterns of mind inherited from our parents and teachers.

A characteristic feature of these conditioned mind patterns – no matter how different they might be in different cultures – is that they reproduce themselves. They therefore produce human replicas that meet the expectations and norms of the society they are born into. They adjust to, and keep the rules of their respective society, and they become effective members of that society. They think, behave and feel as expected from good citizens. In the meanwhile, they preserve the illusion of free choice, since the conditioned mind patterns are, to a certain extent, flexible.

Then we identify with the conditioned mind patterns and begin to believe that we know the answer to the question regarding our identity, our goals in life and on the proper behaviour with our visitors. In accordance with the functions of our conditioned mind patterns we make replica human beings out of our visitors, depriving them of the possibility of developing in a way that is best for their personalities. We do all that in good faith, since we would like to save them from suffering, we intend to ensure that they are going to have a better life in a better world. As replicas, they are going to get our own suffering and our own ignorance of reality. That is how, in turn, they will receive their own visitors and convert them into human replicas.

Building up the Personality

If we are hospitable and attentive hosts of our visitors coming to us from the unknown, we must first recognize that they, just like we ourselves before them, come to this world as wanderers. The objective of their journey is to enable the Universe to manifest itself and to awaken into its own existence, filtering through their personalities as as human beings. We must assist them in the process as more experienced wanderers who are a little bit ahead of them in the journey.

When the guests arrive at our house, they are entirely inexperienced, they do not know anything about the work of this world, and they are unable to express themselves. In other words, they do not have the means – a personality – that would help them in those processes. They do have, however, a very effective strategy, that is, imitation, with the help of which they are able to build up a personality in a few years. For the imitation, they will choose us as a model, the people living in their environment. If we live according to our conditioned mind patterns, they will imitate those patterns. The patterns will be deeply imprinted, and will serve as the foundation for their personalities.

Once our visitors have learned to speak, and begin to understand more and more of the world around them, we will further improve that basic conditioning in them by explaining to them how the world functions and what they need to watch in connection with it. We received those explanations readily from our parents and teachers, and we have no specific direct experience about these. Our messages further deepen the conditioning of our guests, who will in turn identify with the conditioned mind patterns.

That is how the personality of our visitors develop, though the original goal of that personality was to represent their individuality in the world. This individuality is, however, hidden deeply under the thick layers of conditioned mind patterns, beliefs, ideas and identification. Thus it is no wonder that they live as replicas, and completely forget about their original mission in this world.

The Individuality Blossoming

All this means that we are only able to become good hosts for our visitors if we ourselves are not replicas but individuals. We must therefore walk the line we want our guests to walk, too.

Ten forgotten ideas to help our visitors to avoid becoming replicas and to allow their individuality to bloom:

  1. Do not consider them as our property; instead, look upon them as beloved guests, who only need our assistance and not our control;

  2. Give them a sufficient amount of freedom so that they can earn experience from the world themselves;

  3. Allow them to experience more and more things by and for themselves;

  4. Do not teach them things we do not have direct personal experience and we received readily from our teachers;

  5. Teach them not to take anything for granted just because it was proclaimed by a person regarded as authority by the society around them;

  6. Allow them to be doubtful of anything and everything until they gather personal experience about it;

  7. Help them to remain free so that they will be open to any new experience available to them;

  8. Share with them our own experience;

  9. Create for them an environment in which they have a lot of opportunities to laugh and live a joyful, cheerful life and enjoy life as much as possible;

  10. Offer them our own example, and show them how is it possible to live a conscious and alert life.

Where is Your Soul on the Path of Spiritual Evolution?

By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There are three transformational processes within the evolution of the Consciousness. These are, in fact, three levels of development. At these different levels of development the state and functions of the Counsciousness show entirely different signs. If we are aware of these characteristic signs, we may easily recognize what state of development of the Consciousness we are in: ordinary Consciousness, awakening or the level of complete freedom.

The Level of Ordinary Consciousness

This is the lowest level of the evolutional process of the Consciousness. Ordinary Consciousness is rooted in, and feeds on, past times. The present moment is less important for it, it is only a gateway leading to a future we long for. Future is nothing but an improved and beautified version of the past, a future in which we will be successful in the all the things in which we have failed in the past. For ordinary consciousness, only past and future exist, it lives in those and feeds on those.

In that state of Consciousness the appreciation and opinion of others are very important for us. We want to meet the expectation directed at us, we are pleased to play the social roles that are dictated by our community. We thrive to be good parents, a good husband or wife, useful employees and law abiding citizens. Our willingness to play these roles is caused by our complete identification with those roles. Our entire indentity is based upon those roles. We do not look for true answers to the question ”Who am I?;” we are content to be told that by others.

In the state of ordinary Consciousness, the dominant character of our life is the Ego; we wish to make it larger, brighter and more individual. That is why we are learning, gathering knowledge from others, until the end of our life, in the belief that we will thus become more and more intelligent. Still, we become less and less self-confident, and we do not have enough courage to face the challenges of life on our own. We therefore need a guide, a support. We do not long for complete freedom, we follow pre-determined rules and respect authority.

The Level of Awakening

The advent of that level is indicated by moments in our life when we wake up from our ordinary life, and recognize the reality that we in fact live in the captivity of our thoughts, emotions and social roles. Under the effect of those moments, a profound desire for freedom and truth arises in us. We then begin to search for the paths leading to the desired freedom. We intend to become more conscious and alert, to find the truth for ourselves about who we are and what our mission in the world is.

We no longer want to obey the old rules, old leaders, traditions and authorities. We no longer accept ready-made, second-hand theories and explanations. We are not ready to depend on the opinion of others any more. Instead, we want to acquire knowledge and experience from the world for ourselves. We take pleasure in discovering new things, and we embark on new journeys without fear.

It is at that level that real self-control is created in us. This self-control is not rooted in fear of punishment or hope of reward. Many people are able to develop a high degree of self-control in the fear of Hell or the hope of Heaven, or merely because they want to work together with something they regard as larger than themselves. That kind self-control will, however, only produce temporary results, since it is the based upon suppression. Its maintenance requires constant effort from us. If, for some reason, the degree of effort declines, the suppressed desires, anger and emotions burst out, causing us even more suffering.

Real self-control is not born in us out of suppression, but out of the recognition and understanding of the meaning of Life. That kind of self-control will liberate our Consciousness from the state of identification with the world of Shapes and Forms. It will create a space between us and the functions of the Mind, and in that space the ability of seeing and understanding will be born.

Real self-control does not have any rules, and there is nobody around to tell us how to do that. Everybody must create that self-control in themselves without any external pressure, putting aside all kinds of authorities, and using their own personal experience. Everything created for us by others is transitory, but what we create for ourselves will be lasting and permanent. Everybody must find himself or herself what he or she is looking for.

The Level of Complete Freedom

This is the highest peak in the evolution of the Consciousness. The most important characteristic feature of this level is alertness, the acceptance of the present moment, an openness to the existence, and a celebration of life.

In that state of Consciousness an entirely new dimension of existence opens up for us, showing us Existence from a completely new perspective. The unity behind the controversies is revealed in front of our eyes, and we no longer insist on looking on the sunny side of life, as we are able to discover beauty on the dark side, too.

We accept life as it is, and it is not done under pressure, since that acceptance is the result of our complete freedom. The freedom is, in turn, a fruit of our escape from the world of Shapes and Forms. We have understood and experienced the process of awakening. The time has come for us to take control over our mind whenever it is required by the circumstances. When we do not need the work of the mind directly, let us give it some rest.

Everything will be quiet and peaceful in us. We are beyond all good and evil, we are a mere Consciousness that does not analyse or judge, only contemplates. We realize that the same contemplating soul lives in everybody, so the differences between human beings are only superficial, and deep inside we are all the same. Experiencing that unity will bring us the extasis of Life, the perfect joy of Existence.

This article is excerpted from the book, The Chant of the Heart: Enjoy the Nectar of Being

A very thorough analysis naming names of the Isfaeli Mossad members who masterminded and conducted the 9/11 horror story

9/11 is rarely mentioned as one of many Israeli manufactured events. The mountain of evidence implicating the Israeli Mossad is overwhelming.. and still growing.

In the annals of history, no event has ever been so thoroughly dissected by as many disparate humans as the 9/11/01 Massacre. Hundreds of real people were scorched and roasted alive in an explosive conflagration. And yet, with such unprecedented scrutiny tearing at the carelessly pressed seams of the official conspiracy theory fairytale, it’s an ineffable wonder indeed how even a decade after the event, Israel, specifically Israeli Mossad and its extended octopus Zionist terror network largely escape the view of the overwhelming majority of the major researchers.

Lost in the endless debates of how (nano-thermite, directed energy weapons, mini-nukes, TV fakery) is the far more important, who and why.

It is a mind-numbingly painful exercise to disprove the official fairytale of OBL and his band of 20 jihadists, mostly because no evidence for the assertion exists. In reality, this is the greatest conspiracy theory ever presented for mass consumption. Afghanistan asked for evidence of his involvement, repeatedly offering to extradite him to the US upon delivery of the evidence.

Obama has used Osama as needed until May Day (May 1st) 2011 when it was announced that he was executed. Bin Laden, meanwhile, had died 10 years earlier in 2001.

Unfortunately, such evidence didn’t exist as Cheney remarked in a rare moment of transparency: “So we’ve never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming.” Even Bin Laden’s profile on the FBI most wanted list, until his laughably fake execution in May 2011, never mentioned 9/11 as one of his dastardly deeds.

Most of the fake bin Laden videos originate from ex-Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) soldier Rita Katz through her SITE Institute. Mossad asset Ben Venske assists Katz through Intel Center by

"Azzam the American" aka "Adam Gadahn" - Jewish Al-Qaeda bogeyman and grandson of former ADL director Carl Pearlman

releasing unintentionally hilarious videos of American Al-Qaeda “jihadist” and ex-anti-muslim jewish extremist Adam Yahiye Gadahn, AKA Adam Pearlman. Pearlman just so happens to be the grandson of a former director of the Judeo-Masonic strong-arm organization, known as the ADL of B’nai B’rith, named Carl Pearlman. Jewish Al-Qaeda.

The official fairytale had many incredible highlights. Our personal favorite might be what was originally reported as Mohammad Atta’s inferno-retardant passport floating down, unscathed, after the towers fell, onto the rubble and into the safe comforting hands of the FBI. Atta, of course, had a busy several days prior to 9/11 being titillated aboard Jack Abramoff’s yacht, complete with halal strippers, cocaine and alcohol, essential ingredients to fulfill Jihad on foreign land. Later this report was revised and it was claimed the passport belonged to another alleged hijacker of Flight 11, Satam al Suqami.

On 9/11, Israeli politicians and “terror exports” like Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel politician and 9/11 conspirator Ehud Barak gleefully advocated a "War on Terror" that would ensnare Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran on Zionist-owned BBC news mere moments after 3000 civilians were massacred in the attacks

were interviewed on globally broadcast Zionist Media. Barak, visibly unable to control his glee at the start of the interview, mentioned Bin Laden first, revealing prior knowledge of the planned antagonist of the fairytale. He also stated that there should be a “War on Terror” resulting in the invasion and assault on Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Libya. Netanyahu, giddy with uncontained excitement said “It’s very good”, when asked about the attack. Ehud Olmert, then Prime Minister of Israel flew in on September 10th for a secret, undocumented meeting with Guiliani. Then, while ALL planes were forced to stay on the ground on September 11th 2001, an El Al plane with “VIPs” was allowed to fly to Israel. So while fake footage of Palestinians celebrating was broadcast in controlled doses of concentrated hasbara, and while 5 mossad agents dressed up as Palestinians, caught with bomb residue and box cutters in their moving van were actually celebrating, some of the globe’s more conscientious citizens, loyal to the truth, were wondering, who really did it and why?

The Process of Transformation from 3D to 5D Earth

How Much Time Does Humanity Have?

Firstly I should say that I don’t believe my vision to be prophecy. Even though I’m talking of something to take place in the immediate future. I say this because I believe ALREADY an irreversible event line has been initiated — like dominoes knocking themselves over. Various shifts, outlined above, become increasingly inevitable. However, the timing is not set in stone. Mankind actually holds the key to how quickly or slowly this will proceed. If mankind protects the environment, then the window of opportunity can be extended. Currently, humanity’s actions are rapidly shortening the life-span of the old reality.

Hence it is hard to see beyond the next few decades, for viable existence to continue here on 3D Earth.

What this means, is that for those who can hear my message, the time has really come to take your own evolution, your own destiny back into your own hands. The time has come to go inwards and embark on the inner journey of consciousness expansion through the density’s – through the 5GATEWAYS – into the Fifth Density – the next chapter of the human story.

The New Paradigm

The New Paradigm of the Fifth Density is a magical place to be. It’s a place of indescribable harmony, joy and interconnectivity, where all life is respected and cherished. Gone is the disconnect from the divine. We live in alignment, our purpose is not to grind and graft for some material outcome, rather to explore the bounteous wonders of the universe, to learn, evolve and grow. It’s truly a magical existence, a ‘golden age’.

You can begin to live that way now. It is greatly encouraged, in order to facilitate your passage into the New Paradigm. Despite the fact that the old reality temporarily controls the world’s resources, and despite the fact that you may have to work within it for a while longer, it’s important that ascending people switch their loyalty to the new form of existence…

Tuning into the divine, finding greater inner peace, alignment with the flow of the soul, observing and responding to synchronicity, becoming more as-one with Mother Earth.

What you’ll find is that attuning to this flow, begins to breakthrough, and carry you through the crucible of change in a most uplifting, empowering and invigorating way: the old layers shed from your reality, and just like the resplendent dragonfly, your new beingness emerges.

So what of the souls who don’t make it into the New Paradigm?

Right now, it is a small minority of beings who have truly committed themselves to the path. In time, many more will likely join as they see the writing on the wall. But still, the majority will likely struggle and strive to bind to the old reality – at least that’s the current trend. It means that many will not have the vibrationary level to attain the new consciousness as the window closes. In which case, new existences will become available in other constellations, commensurate with that level of vibration and evolution.

Life in the universe works tirelessly towards balanced harmony and alignment in all places – fortunately!

See Past the Veils – Open Your Cosmic Eyes

So in the course of time, the old reality will be stripped from the Earth as the 5D New Paradigm unfolds itself. I realise this is a great deal to take in and fully digest. But the more you invest in the exploration of your higher, cosmic self, the more obviously possible – and even probable – I believe you’ll find my sharing becomes. However, if you keep tuning your consciousness to the limitations of the old reality, then it will continue to seem pretty ‘out there’ (and you’ll keep binding yourself to the old consciousness).

Neither do I expect nor wish people to blindly accept or even believe my sharing of what I feel is now set to take place. But you’re drawn to my text for a reason. In part maybe you resonate. In which case, I invite you to stay open to the possibility of what I’m sharing. Then to question what you are truly witnessing shaping around you. Be mindful that prior to Enlightenment, you’ll be seeing the world through subconscious veils – those of what you’d prefer would happen, or are resistant to what is happening. Be mindful that this will likely be happening to you. And work to feel into your contractions which these veils cause (I’ve outlined a way of processing inner tightness, density, source pain and karma in this article here… 9 step process for dealing with Subconscious Trauma and Karma).

I believe there is a bright future awaiting us. But it will only be authentically rosy, if you peel away the rose-tinted spectacles. It will be spectacular – what some will see as catastrophic – of that there is no doubt. It will challenge you, to the core. But if you embrace the shifts full on, all in, then it will liberate and expand you in ways unimaginable. The possibility to truly test the restriction of small “I” 3D limitation, and to unfold the wings of your truly glorious, 5D cosmic self, awaits you. You’ll begin to see it in an entirely different way. Increasingly you’ll be okay about, and embrace, what is likely to come…s

It is time to embrace radical, cosmic transformation, of the Earth and dive into the centre stream of your immaculate home coming. All the way into the 5D!

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