This section of our site is dedicated to the education and training of Technical Communicators.
Here we share useful resources and advice on Technical Communication programs in the NY Metro area and beyond.
(see also the open letter from our chapter president to Technical Communication educators)
Technical Communication Programs
The following lists Technical Communication programs currently available.
NOTE: If your institution has a good program for Technical Communicator and you want to be added to our list, contact
NY Metro Area
Virtual (Online) Programs
Collaborative Programs
STC NY Metro has declared 2013 the Year of Education. The following programs and initiatives are part of our efforts to join forces and collaborate with educational institutes offering a Technical Communication programs in the NY Metro area.
Research Assistance (in collaboration with the MSPTC program at NJIT)
In partnership with the MSPTC program at NJIT, we are happy to offer our members the opportunity to introduce students to topics in the field of Technical Communication by submitting suggestions, requests and ideas which the students can use to research and write an article or a blog about. Use the Research Assistance request form to submit suggestions. These will be forwarded to the MSPTC faculty, who may assign them to students for research. The top results will be published on our web site.
Mock Interview
We can offer students who are about to graduate the opportunity to do a mock job interview with one of our veterans. This can help them gear up for an actual interview. To arrange for a mock interview for your students, contact our chapter president.
Members Blog about Technical Communication Education
Check out our Members' Blog section About Technical Communication Education for articles written by current and past students in Technical Communication programs.