STC Alliance Competition 2024 season!
The STC Alliance 2024 Competition has ended. Thank you for your support.
We continue our search for the best and brightest in technical communication today.
Did you or your company produce great technical instruction, information, user support, or promotional content for the web or mobile devices in the past year or two?
You could be our winner!
The deadline for submission of entries is January 19, 2024.Check out our "How to Enter the STC Alliance Competition" 30-minute Zoom recording and slides from 1/8/2024.
What is the STC Alliance Competition? (In a nutshell, 2-min. video)
Meet the STC Alliance Council
Who can enter?
Anyone can enter the competition as long as they follow the STC Competition General Information and Rules.
How to submit an entry | Online entry form
Why enter?
You have work you’re especially proud of. Enter it so that your fellow communicators can admire and recognize it.
You have work that you’re not quite happy with. Enter it to receive the advice and counsel of our experienced judges.
What can be entered?
The entry's purpose and content are driven by technical communication. The entry focuses on supporting users, and informs, promotes, or teaches about technology or a technical application.
Instructional Materials train users on skills and knowledge using solutions like eLearning, mLearning, social media, facilitator guides, instructional animations or videos, student guides, tutorials, and webinars.
User Support Materials provide information for the user in performing specific tasks for independent use including online help and videos, job aids, quick start or reference guides, reference documents, user guides, and websites.
Promotional Materials market or promote a technical product, company, individual, or event that aims to persuade the audience to some action, using integrated figures and text. Examples may include brochures, marketing videos, catalogs, flyers, posters, and websites, keeping in mind that the subject matter must be of a technical nature.
Informational Materials inform the user about a technical subject without a specific call to action. Examples may include annual reports, articles, books, error messages, magazines, newsletters, periodicals, posters, research papers, videos, and websites.
Go electronic!
STC strongly encourages all entrants to submit the online version of their content or send URLs because:
Uploading online entries is faster and cheaper for entrants
There is less risk of damage to entries if sent online
Distribution of entries to judges can be done more quickly and at lower costs
There is a shipping charge for all physical entries of $15.00 per entry. For “big and heavy” print materials, we reserve the right to charge a shipping fee of $25.00 per entry.
NEW! Review 30 min. video on How to Enter the STC Alliance Competition (January 2024)
How do I submit an entry?
Step 1 Fill out the Online Entry Form (one for each entry).
Step 2. Pay the entry fee before packing or sending your entry.
Member of allied chapters (ATL-NE-NY-ROC-SCT- WDCB) - $100.00
Student - $50.00
Member - Other chapters and communities - $125.00
Non-Member - $175.00
Add a shipping charge of $15.00 for each physical entry. If the entry is very large, the charge is $25.00.
Step 3. Send your entries by January 19, 2024, 12:00 MIDNIGHT EDT
If you have an online entry, email to get instructions on how to upload online entries.
If you have a physical entry, send 4 copies of the entry to the entries manager so that they are received no later than January 19, 2024.
Address removed
How do I increase my chances of winning?
STC Alliance Competition awards are earned according to how well the entry meets standards of technical communication as defined in the Evaluation Considerations. Multiple entrants can receive awards.
Adhere to the STC Competition General Information and Rules.
Provide as much information as possible on the entry form. To help judges evaluate your entry in context, in the Description of the Competition Entry, include explanatory text, additional audience descriptions, unusual circumstances or budget restrictions that may have limited your project, and language or localization needs.
What is the timeline?
Deadline for submission of entries is January 19, 2024.
Judging phase begins on TBD.
Judging concludes with a Consensus meeting on TBD.
Announcement of results and winners TBD.
If you are an experienced professional in technical communication, training, content development, user experience, web development, or marketing/ promotions, the STC Alliance wants you to join us in our competition judging process. Find out more. To apply, fill out the Judging Info Form.
Who are the contacts?
General Questions:
Chapter Representatives/ Meet the STC Alliance Council
Carolyn Klinger (WDCB and Competition Chair)
301-275-4592Amanda Patterson (Rochester)
Royce Cook (South-Central Texas)
Phoebe Forio (Atlanta)
Malu Schloss (New York Metro)
Mike Nelson (New England)
Ashley Gordon (Chicago)
Entries Manager: Jackie Damrau
Judging Managers: Phoebe Forio/ Angela Trenkle
Interested in Judging? Call for Judges - Fill out the electronic Judge Information Form.
Judge Training: Phoebe Forio
University Liaison: open
Publicity Manager: open
Awards Manager: Annette Reilly
Technical Manager: Brian Flaherty (webmaster) and Nitza Hauser (Technical advisor)
TechComm Roadshow: Carolyn Klinger and Malu Schloss
Overall Liaison with STC: Carolyn Klinger
Sponsorship Opportunities: We welcome sponsors for this super-regional competition! Sponsorship opportunities include the STC Alliance TechComm Roadshow, events, shipping, and advertising for awards celebrations in specific communities. To do so, contact any of the chapter representatives.