Year end report 2010-2011
Post date: Jun 15, 2011 11:14:21 PM
Before we close the chapter on 2010-2011, we would like to share with you some successes.
Last year, 305 attendees came or logged in to the STCNY Metro monthly meetings, an increase of 65% over the previous year. We ran 9 workshops throughout the year, compared to 3 from the previous year.
100% of our monthly meetings and events were held LIVE, thanks to the graciousness of our speakers, many whom were fellow STC colleagues who trekked out to the New York area to present and teach our members, and above all charged the lowest possible rates.
Virtual attendees increased for Meetings, Workshops and SIGs. Participants from all over the country connected to our meetings. Thanks to Thomson Reuters and Computer Generated Solutions (CGS) for making this happen. Publicity was also made possible through the STC Notebook blog, social media resources like LinkedIn and members who passed on the information!
Whom do we serve? We serve both members and non-members. 21% of attendees were non-members, consisting of potential members, members of related organizations like ASTDNY whom we invited. The best part was reconnecting with past members.
This year promises to be another challenge to the Society.
We are relaunching the New York Competitions. We need your active participation as a judge or searching for great entries. In fact, YOU can be our winner!
The Programs Committee is already planning its offerings for the year. If you have topics you'd like to pitch to the Programs Committee, please contact Paula Valentine, Programs Chair,
Ellen Buttolph, Marketing/Social Media Chair,, will strengthen and organize our online presence and social media marketing efforts. If you have skills to contribute to this effort, get in touch with Ellen!
We have two Committee Chairmanships open: Mentoring and Career Transitions. If you'd like to throw in your hat, please email Malu Schloss at
Next year, we also plan to work more with other STC Chapters and professional organizations.
If you are interested in getting involved, share your skills, interests or specialities, it's a great time to volunteer -