Call for Judges

The STC Alliance is proud of the cumulative experience and talent of our judges and team leaders who return year after year to provide feedback and value for all entrants.  We enjoy working in multi-chapter teams, enabling us to connect with peers and old acquaintances. To sustain the quality of the competition, we invite more judge volunteers to go through training and work remotely with multi-chapter teams.

If you would like to volunteer to serve as a competition judge, complete the Judge Information Form (click the link, complete, and submit).  Returning judges are also asked to  send any updates or changes to their profile.

Training for all judges will be done by Phoebe Forio and Annette Reilly. Training is mandatory for new judges.  

If you have questions about judging in the STC Alliance Competition, please contact our chapter representatives: Carolyn Klinger (Washington DC-Baltimore),  Phoebe Forio (Atlanta),  Sharon Ford (Atlanta), Malu Schloss (New York),  Ashley Gordon (Chicago), Royce Cook (South-Central Texas),  Amanda Patterson (Rochester), Mike Nelson (New England). 

Competition Chair:  Carolyn Klinger,  Co-chair: Malu Schloss.

Why Volunteer as a Judge? 

See the latest trends first-hand in technical communication, instructional design, promotional, informational, and user support materials.  Expose yourself to new ideas and discuss content development and design with professional peers. 

If you have experience in technical writing, learning design, editing, or developing documentation or marketing communications, we're looking for you. If you are adept with technical illustrations, video editing, posters or packaging, you will be delighted at this opportunity to see great examples of work from others in the profession.

STC membership is not a requirement. We provide extensive training for judges. More experienced judges will serve as team leaders and guide you through assessments.

2024 Schedule

What Does a Competition Judge Do?

Judges are responsible for evaluating every entry they receive. They must provide feedback to each entrant. The assessment should provide clear, impartial, and constructive feedback. Judge duties include:

Judges are grouped into teams of three including a team leader.

The team leader is a judge with previous experience as a local/regional or international judge and/or someone with a wide degree of technical communication experience. The team leader also has  a few additional responsibilities to make the judging run smoothly:

How Much Time Will It Take?

Judge training normally takes 1.5-2.5 hours and is conducted over the web. Each judge is assigned an average of 3 entries. Judges follow a schedule of milestones culminating in Consensus Day.  We estimate that judges will devote 1.5 hours per entry plus training and judging group meetings, which are variable. All meetings between team members can be done over the phone or web.

Criteria for evaluation depend on the entry category. Here are some examples:

The answer to the above questions and more may convince you and your team members that an entry is worthy of awards: Distinguished, Excellence, or Merit. You might even recommend the entry for the Best of Show award!

Competition 2024 Schedule 

11/6/2023: Competition opens

1/3/2024: Deadline for prospective judges to apply

1/10/2024: Judging Training: Team leaders' and returning judges training

1/16/2024: Judging Training: Refresher for all

1/18/2024: Judging Training: Accessibility assessment training

1/19/2024: Deadline for entries

1/22/2024: Sorting and distribution of entries to judging groups

1/23/2024: Judging phase begins for judging teams.

4/6/2024: Team Consensus meeting - Discuss all entries and decide on award assignments. Collaborate to write summaries of each entry. Any entries that earn a Distinguished award are candidates for Best of Show. If you have a Distinguished award entry, collaborate on a presentation to all judges, which will be delivered at the Best of Show judging meeting.

4/8/2024: Team leader ensures that all final assessments and Consensus Summary sheets are uploaded to their team's Google Drive folder.

4/13/2024: Best of Show judging meeting and vote

4/22/2024: Entrants start receiving judging comments and notification of awards.

STC Alliance Competition Council

Meet the STC Alliance Council

General  Questions:

Chapter Representatives:

Entries Manager:                     Jackie Damrau

Judging Managers:     Phoebe Forio / Angela Trenkle

Interested in Judging?          Fill out the electronic Judging Information Form.

Judge Training:                          Phoebe Forio

University Liaison:                 open

Publicity Manager:                open

Awards Manager:                   Annette Reilly

Technical Manager:               Brian Flaherty (webmaster) and Nitza Hauser (Technical advisor)

TechComm Roadshow:       Carolyn Klinger and Malu Schloss                     

Liaison with STC:     Carolyn Klinger

Sponsorship Opportunities:  We welcome sponsors for this super-regional competition! Sponsorship opportunities include the STC Alliance TechComm Roadshow, events, shipping, and advertising for awards celebrations in specific communities. To do so, contact any of the chapter representatives.