2.16 DIY Script-Overtime Pay Rate

There 2 results computed by different way of writing the script:


Salary = 1500.00

Working Day Per Month = 26

Working Hour Per Day = 8

Result with different formula:

1) Set the PayRate formula into V (declared as Double).

Var V: Double;


if OTAmount > 1000 then begin

V := 1000 / WorkingDayPerMonth / WorkingHourPerDay;

PayRate := V;

end else

PayRate := 8;

Final Result = 4.00 Result has been truncated to 4.00 (instead of 4.81) .


2) Set the PayRate formula into V (declared as Double), but leave 1000 as 1000.00 (with 2 decimals).

Var V: Double;


if OTAmount > 1000 then begin

V := 1000.00 / WorkingDayPerMonth / WorkingHourPerDay;

PayRate := V;

end else

PayRate := 8;

Final Result = 4.80769231


3) Set the PayRate formula after declare the 1000 as double.

Var V: Double;


if OTAmount > 1000 then begin

V := 1000;

PayRate := V / WorkingDayPerMonth / WorkingHourPerDay;

end else

PayRate := 8;

Final Result = 4.80769231