9.39 What steps need to take before submission the GST-03?

Below is the steps/action to be take before submission of GST-03.

Accuracy : 85% ~ 90%

Total Reports : 14



Below Cross Checking is Assuming

- DocDate=PostDate=TaxDate

- Not using Taxable Field

- No Adjustment in Tax Amount/Local Tax Amount

- No Margin Scheme Industries

Before Process GST-03


01. Backup

02. Run Analyse Data Integrity -> Make sure no error

03. Make sure correctly posted to ARAP from SLPH

  • SLvsAR - SL_IV, SL_CS, SL_DN, SL_CN -> Sales Document Listing (4 Reports)
  • PHvsAP - PH_PI, PH_CP, PH_SD, PH_SC -> Purchase Document Listing (4 Reports)

04. Make sure LocalTaxAmt is calc Correctly (3 Reports)

  • Customer - GST Review - AR_IV, AR_DN & AR_CN -> Customer Invoice Listing
  • Supplier - GST Review - AP_PI, AP_SD & AP_SC -> Supplier Invoice Listing
  • GL Cash Book Listing - GST Review -> GL Cash Book Listing

05. GL Journal of Transaction - Inbalance -> Make sure account is balance (1 Report)

06. Make sure all Customer/Supplier Bad Debts Amount is correct - PH-BadDebt & SL-BadDebt

After Process GST-03


01. Make sure GL Ledger vs GST-03 match (2 Reports)

  • GST-Ledger-Vs-GST-03_5b
  • GST-Ledger-Vs-GST-03_6b

02. GL Journal of Transaction - Inbalance -> Make sure account is balance (1 Report)