10. Firebird recommended setting (Must Read)

For SuperServer 32-bit

- with RAM 4Gb

- database size<5Gb

- lesser than 20 clients

- Page size = 8192

- Database page buffers = 10000 => ~80mb

- TempCacheLimit = 134217728 =>128Mb

- FW = ON, MaxUnflushedWrites – default

For Classic server 32/64 bit or SuperClassic 64-bit

- RAM 16Gb-32Gb

- more than 50 connections

- more than 50 clients

- Page size 8192

- database page buffers – 1024-2048

- TempCacheLimit = 134217728 =>128Mb (!)

- FW = ON, MaxUnflushedWrites - default

Frequent Problem with Memory???

- 32bit SuperServer/SuperClassic will never use more 2(3) Gb of memory

- Do not set too many (100000+) buffers!

- Use 64 bit SuperServer and SuperClassic

- All architectures of 32 bit Firebird will work bad at 64-bit Windows with >4Gb RAM

- Fixed in Firebird 2.5.2 only!

- Use 64 bit Firebird


Not recommended to install and run the firebird 2.5.2 in Windows server 2008 R2 due to the compatibility issue.

original source from http://www.slideshare.net/ibsurgeon/resolving-firebird-performance-problems

More info about the firebird mode. http://www.sinatica.com/blog/en/index.php/articles/firebird-superserver-classicserver-or-superclassic