1.10 How the GL Ledger Detail Description Show in Report?

By Default when user preview the GL Ledger - Detail report user might realise the Description & Description 2 on Grid is not Match on Preview report....

Below is how the report show...

Description 1

DBMmDesc = Will Blank if is JT is Bank or Cash

MmDesc = Get Header Cash Book Description & Visible if JT is Cash or Bank type

MmDesc1 =

- if JT is Cash or Bank type will Get Header Cash Book Description else

- Get Ledger Description

MmDesc1 = Same what you seen at Grid - ToDo - Fast Report

Description 2

DBMmDesc1 = Take Description if is JT is Bank or Cash & only Visible if SA not a Bank & Cash Type

MmDesc1 = Get Detail Cash Book Description (randomly) & Visible if SA is Cash or Bank type

MmDesc2 =

- if SA is Cash or Bank type will Get Header Cash Book Description (randomly) if Ledger Description2 is empty else

- if JT is Cash or Bank type will Get Ledger Description else

- Get Ledger Description 2

MmDesc2 = ToDo - Fast Report

- if SA is Cash or Bank type will Get Detail Cash Book 1st Description else

- if JT is Cash or Bank type will Get Header Cash Book Description else

- Get Ledger Description 2


JT = Journal Type (Detail Records)

SA = SpecialAccountType (Selected Account on the Paratmeter)

DBMmDesc, MmDesc, DBMmDesc1, MmDesc1, MmDesc2 = Component Name at report designer