Walter Thomas Summersby

This name is on the St Mark's War Memorial, Kennington Oval, London SE11

W. T. Summersby

(Walter Thomas Summersby)

(Summersby, Walter Thomas)

Service no L/7051

Private, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), 1st Battalion

Killed in action aged about 34 on 23 April 1917

Remembered at Arras Memorial, France, at Waterloo Station memorial, London SE1 and at St Mark's Church, London SE11

Information from the 1911 census

In 1911 Walter Summersby was 29 and working as a railway porter for the London and South-West Railway. He lived with his family at 3 Gye Street, Vauxhall. He and his wife, Martha Ann Summersby, 27, had 3 children:

Walter Henry Summersby, 5

Emily Ellen Summesby, 3

Lilian Maud Summersby, 1

Martha's widowed mother, Ann Geere, 65, a monthly nurse, lived with the family. All were born in Lambeth, apart from Ann Geere, who was born in Hampstead.