Edwin Jousiffe

This name is on the St Mark's War Memorial, Kennington Oval, London SE11

E. Jousiffe

(Edwin Jousiffe)

(Jousiffe, Edwin)

Service no 464557

Private, 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles Battalion

Died age 28 on 30 September 1916

Son of Kate E. Jousiffe, of 49, Belsize Avenue, Hampstead, London, England, and the late Sydney Jousiffe.

Remembered at Vimy Memorial, Pas de Calais, France and at St Mark's Church

Born 23 June 1884

Information from the 1911 census

Sydney G. Jousiffe was a wine merchant, born in Welbeck Street, in London's West End. In 1911 he was 59 and living with his wife Kate (60, born in Bermondsey) at 10 South Place (Grosvenor Place) - this is now Kennington Park Place - on the edge of Kennington Park in the parish of St Mary Newington. Two of their children were registered on the census (but not Edwin - he had emigrated to Canada - hence his enlistment in the Canadian Mounted Rifles), plus two servants:

Frances C. Jousiffe, 33, born in New Cross, SE London

Florence P. Jousiffe, 30, born in New Cross

Kate Collendar, 29, born in Lambeth

Phyllis Bowles, 23, born in Plumstead

The census states that Kate had had 6 children, 2 of whom had died.

Information from the Jousiffe family This 1946 cutting from the London Evening News shows Sydney Jousiffe's house at South Place. The text reads:LONDON PRIDE No. 11This house in Kennington Park-place once the home of Jousiffe, wine merchant, was built about 1830 and suggests the Cheltenham period. The front door under a wide porch has two flights of steps. There are concave niches for ferns or statuary. Good iron gates were removed during the war for scrap.*One of the Jousiffe descendants says: "My grandfather carried this newspaper article around in his wallet for many years. It shows a house in Kennington Park Place, once home of 'the Jousiffe wine merchants'."