2019年度 第1回NSP Greg Bonn氏(King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)

投稿日: Jun 25, 2019 2:47:44 PM


2019年10月27日(日) 15:00-17:00


名古屋大学教育学部2F 第三講義室


Greg Bonn氏(King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)

Bonn氏はサウジアラビアKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineralsの准教授で、専門は文化心理学です。研究テーマは「Cross-cultural differences in the concept of the good life」で、カナダ・日本・マレイシア各国民が何を「満足な人生」として捉えているのかの比較研究をされています。トロント大学でPhDを取得後、マレイシアのMonash University講師、名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科学振研究員を経て現職に就いています。


Culture, the Self, and the Making of Meaning: Considering how culture shapes our understanding of the world and the narratives we create about ourselves.


This presentation will explore how human experience is influenced by culture, and more importantly, how human nature drives us to seek out and learn from other people. The theory presented here covers several areas of human development. Specifically, it will look at neurobiological findings related to emotion and motivation, as well as learning and cognition, and how they relate to the internalization of culture. I argue that, at the individual level, the acquisition of culture relies on several innate, neurobiologically-based motivational, learning, and cognitive systems. These are: 1. A primary motivation to form social bonds which is driven by affect. 2. Highly specialized social learning circuits, involving, but not limited to, mirror neuron systems, that facilitate the encoding of social information through implicit, embodied, imitational learning processes. 3. The formation of culturally-based templates for behavior and cognition centered around structures, collectively known as the default mode network, which are essential to self-understanding, autobiographical memory, social cognition, prospection, and theory-of-mind. The acquisition and internalization of culture, it is argued, is accomplished through the operation of innate motivational processes that tie the individual emotionally to a secure base of familiar people and customs. This instinctual desire for proximity to others facilitates the efficient, largely implicit, patterning of knowledge and expectations. Shared knowledge and expectations, in turn, create a common, mostly implicit or unconscious, experience of subjectivity within groups. This allows each individual to automatically and effortlessly interact with similarly enculturated others.




文化的スキーマ(Cultural models)を中心的なテーマとして、文化心理学・発達心理学と神経科学を統合する視点からトークが行われた。


