Welcome to TechUpdate Webinar

In my mission to help you use Technology for Growth I would like to share several unique Technologies that we have developed in the recent time. Some of these include : 

✅  How to automate Invoicing\Quotation - Send invoices\quotes with product pictures in seconds not hours.

✅  Advanced Fully Automated CRM - No Sales Coordinator required, Fully Mobile based, Daily & 

       weekly reporting, private Dashboard for each Sales Person all in a single Sheet.

✅  Super Advanced Newsletter Scripts with Google Analytics - Complete replacement for Mail-chimp

✅  Automated SMS Script - Send templates/dynamic messages to all numbers from Google Sheets.

✅  FMS/Process Tracking Sheet with advanced Department-wise Dashboard.

✅  Automated Feedback\Appraisal system - Conduct performance appraisals every month not every year! 

✅  Many more...... 

Please see the video for details.

In case of any difficulty please contact us:

Rama 9811148346 or Sonika 9811146151