
Post date: Sep 16, 2018 6:42:31 AM

Do you know those memes-  “Keep calm and carry on”, “Keep calm and chase your dreams”, "Keep calm and grow a moustache” ,etc, etc? Yeah…the whole “keep calm” thing must have been invented by an “S” person! They’re the only ones who can actually be that calm! And can you believe that 30-35% of the population is like that?

The Supportive or Stable kind, is, just as its name suggests, down-to-earth, relaxed and composed. You won’t get emotions spiking out of this character! So, if you’re looking for someone who is balanced, safe and reliable, look no further! People who have this personality type are very supportive when it comes to their friends’ needs. They will be the first ones willing to help, even if it puts them in a somewhat tight spot.

“S” people are usually regarded as good employees because they are able to do routine work with care and patience. Furthermore, they are good at multi-tasking and meeting deadlines. At the same time, though, they can easily get lost in their desire to help others and therefore, lose sight of what’s important.

When taken out of their comfort zone, “S” people react badly. So give them time to adjust to change. Connected to this is another attribute- passivity. Because such individuals wish to avoid conflicts, they don’t face the situation head on and so, end up experiencing frustration and resentment. These people can hold a grudge, especially if they see you taking credit for their hard work!

Next, we have some tips on how to build a good relationship with a Steady person:

What kind of behaviour should you foresee? Well…

Remember … if you have strong S-Supportive traits (or are in “S-mode”):

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